
Sukuna, his curiosity piqued, posed a pointed question to Hiro. "So tell me, brat, what price did you pay for your Binding Vow?"

Hiro's response was solemn, hinting at the gravity of his sacrifice. "It's a steep price, one I'll pay after the fight," he said, a hint of resolve underlying his words.

Sukuna's smile widened at the revelation. "I see," he remarked, sensing the seriousness behind Hiro's commitment.

With the stakes now clearly defined, Hiro adopted a combat stance, his entire being radiating determination. "That means I'm obligated to win," he declared.

The battle that ensued was nothing short of ferocious. Hiro lunged at Sukuna with a series of swift, powerful strikes. His fists moved with precision, each punch aimed to inflict maximum damage. Sukuna, reacting with his usual agility, dodged and weaved, countering with his own barrage of attacks.

Sukuna's fists landed heavy blows on Hiro, each one a testament to the curse's overwhelming strength. Hiro staggered but quickly regained his footing, countering with a vicious uppercut that caught Sukuna off-guard, drawing blood from his lip.

Hiro then unleashed a flurry of kicks, his legs slicing through the air with deadly speed. Sukuna blocked and parried, his arms moving in a blur to deflect Hiro's relentless assault. The sound of their collision – fists against flesh, feet against bone – echoed through the battlefield, a symphony of violence and determination.

Neither fighter gave any ground, their bodies aching and bruised from the intense exchange. Hiro, despite the pain, kept pushing forward, his every move driven by the need to fulfill his vow. Sukuna, reveling in the challenge, met Hiro's attacks with equal ferocity, his expression one of twisted delight.

Blood splattered the ground where they fought, a stark reminder of the battle's brutality. Sweat and dust coated their bodies, evidence of their exertion and unyielding will.

Hiro, tapping into the depths of his cursed energy, ignited a blazing propulsion of fire from his hands. The flames enhanced his speed dramatically, turning him into a blur as he darted around Sukuna.

Using this newfound velocity, Hiro launched a series of rapid strikes. His first punch, fueled by the fiery momentum, landed squarely on Sukuna's jaw, the impact sending a spray of blood into the air. Sukuna reeled from the force but quickly regained his composure, his own cursed energy working to heal the damage.

Undeterred, Hiro continued his assault. He spun in the air, delivering a roundhouse kick that connected with Sukuna's ribs with a resounding crack. The force was enough to break bones, but almost instantly, Sukuna's body began to repair itself, the broken ribs knitting back together under the power of the Reverse Cursed Technique.

Sukuna, now recognizing the severity of Hiro's power, retaliated with a vengeance. He unleashed a flurry of punches, each one aiming to incapacitate. Hiro, using his fiery propulsion, dodged most, but one heavy blow landed on his shoulder, dislocating it with a sickening pop. Hiro grimaced in pain but quickly focused his cursed energy to pop the shoulder back into place, the injury healing as he readied himself for another attack.

The battle was a brutal dance of attack and counterattack. Hiro, using the fire from his hands, moved with incredible speed, his punches and kicks landing with more force than ever before. Sukuna, undaunted, met each attack with skilled precision, his own regenerative abilities keeping him in the fight.

Blood, sweat, and the smell of burnt ozone filled the air as they clashed. The sound of their struggle – flesh striking flesh, bones breaking and healing, the roar of Hiro's fire – created a cacophony of battle that resonated throughout the area.

The battle between Hiro and Sukuna continued with unyielding intensity, each combatant pushing their limits.

Hiro, with flames enveloping his fists, launched a powerful uppercut towards Sukuna's chin. The cursed spirit narrowly evaded, the heat singeing his hair. Sukuna retaliated with a rapid succession of punches, each emitting a burst of cursed energy. Hiro, using his enhanced speed, dodged and weaved through the onslaught, the flames trailing behind him in a brilliant display.

In a swift maneuver, Hiro spun and delivered a fiery kick to Sukuna's side. The impact sent Sukuna skidding across the ground, leaving a trail of scorched earth. However, Sukuna quickly rolled back to his feet, his body healing from the burn as he prepared his counterattack.

Sukuna lunged forward, aiming a vicious strike at Hiro's midsection. Hiro blocked with his forearm, the force of the blow reverberating through his body. He countered with a flame-enhanced punch, aiming directly at Sukuna's heart. Sukuna twisted away at the last second, the fist grazing his chest and leaving a trail of burnt fabric and skin.

As the fight progressed, the air around them became supercharged with energy. Hiro's fire attacks and Sukuna's cursed techniques collided, creating explosions of light and sound that echoed across the battlefield.

Despite the ferocity of their battle, both fighters showed signs of fatigue. Hiro's movements, though still fast, became slightly less sharp, his breathing more labored. Sukuna, too, was not as quick to heal, the continuous damage taking its toll.

Yet, neither showed any sign of backing down. Hiro, with each fiery punch and kick, seemed to burn brighter, his determination to win and fulfill his vow fueling his strength. Sukuna, intrigued and challenged by Hiro's resilience and power, fought with a mix of amusement and respect for his opponent.

The air around the battlefield grew still as Hiro centered himself, his confidence unwavering. "I suppose it's time to finish this," he declared.

With a precise and deliberate movement, Hiro brought his hands together, fingertips touching to form a triangle. As he did so, he called forth the full extent of his power, "Domain Expansion: Dragon Temple."

Instantly, the world around them began to transform. From the ground erupted a magnificent temple, its architecture ancient and grandiose, reminiscent of a bygone era. The sky darkened, and a swirl of clouds gathered above, giving the scene an otherworldly appearance.

The temple itself was a marvel to behold—rising high into the sky, its multiple tiers adorned with intricate carvings and statues of mythical beasts. The dragons from Hiro's earlier attack reappeared, now part of the temple's domain, their bodies winding around the structure's pillars and rooftops, their eyes glowing with a fierce inner light.

These dragons, one of fierce flames and the other of crackling electricity, roared in unison, their voices reverberating through the domain. The ground beneath them pulsed with energy, and the air was thick with the power of Hiro's cursed energy.

In this domain, Hiro's abilities were enhanced to their utmost. The dragons moved according to his will, acting as both protectors and enforcers of his dominion. Flames and arcs of electricity danced across the temple grounds, creating an intimidating and awe-inspiring atmosphere.

Sukuna, now within the confines of Hiro's domain, looked around, taking in the sheer scale and power on display. "Impressive," he muttered, a flicker of excitement in his eyes at the challenge that lay before him.

Hiro stood at the center of the temple, the epicenter of the domain's power. His silhouette was framed by the roaring dragons and the imposing temple behind him, making him appear as a master of dragons, commanding both fire and thunder.

The spectacle before them was nothing short of divine theater. The God Dragon, a colossal entity formed from the fusion of fire and electricity, ascended into the sky, which had taken on the vivid hues of sunset itself. Its presence was overwhelming, a testament to the power that Hiro wielded within his domain.

The three dragons, aligned with the God Dragon, began to draw in cursed energy, their maws glowing with a growing concentration of power. A cannon of cursed energy was forming, a trifecta of elemental fury poised to strike.

Sukuna, observing the preparation of this devastating attack, spoke with an air of calm provocation. "I thought you wanted to rescue Megumi. With that attack, are you trying to kill us both?" he asked, his voice betraying no concern.

Hiro's response was serene, indicative of his control over the situation. "Thanks to my mastery of cursed energy manipulation, I can change the terms of my domain. In simple terms, my dragons will target your soul," he explained, revealing the depth of his strategic prowess.

A smile spread across Sukuna's face, a mix of admiration and anticipation for the challenge. The stakes of their confrontation had risen, with Hiro now wielding the capability to attack Sukuna in a way that could bypass physical defenses and strike at the very essence of the curse.

The God Dragon, with the other dragons at its side, unleashed the charged energy. Beams of combined fire and electricity, each one a conduit of Hiro's intent, shot forth towards Sukuna. The air crackled and hissed as the energies coursed towards their target, seeking to eradicate the curse's soul.

As the dragons' amassed cursed energy hurtled towards Sukuna, the battlefield held its breath for the impact. But in an unforeseen turn of events, the energy cannon was abruptly severed and dissipated into nothingness. More astonishingly, Hiro's Domain Expansion itself was cleaved in half, causing the intricate reality he had woven to shatter and fade away.

From Hiro's body, a deep gash appeared, and a torrent of blood gushed forth, evidence of an unseen but lethal attack. He fell to his knees, grappling with the intensity of the pain that racked his body.

Sukuna, observing the aftermath with interest, acknowledged Hiro's resilience. "Oh, I'm impressed you withstood that," he said, a hint of genuine surprise in his tone.

Hiro, panting heavily from the effort and pain, managed to respond. "Thanks to my eyes, I could sense something coming. I concentrated a large amount of cursed energy to prevent the cut," he said, his voice strained. "What was that?"

Sukuna's response was chilling in its casual delivery. "It was the same slash that killed Gojo Satoru. It traveled and traveled, cutting your domain from the outside, causing it to dissipate. Thanks to your domain, the energy cannon, and your preparedness for the attack, you didn't die. I'm impressed."

Gasping for air, Hiro grappled with the reality of Sukuna's might. "Holy heavens, how am I supposed to defeat you?" he uttered, a mix of frustration and awe in his voice.

Sukuna, with an air of undeniable supremacy, declared confidently, "I am invincible."

In the midst of his labored breathing, Hiro's mind raced, considering his dire situation. "If it weren't for Gojo sensei wearing him down, I'd have been dead long ago. Sukuna can't use his domain now, and he no longer has Mahoraga. I might have died if I'd faced him from the start," he thought, acknowledging the narrow margin by which he had escaped death.

Gathering his strength, Hiro rose to his feet, channeling his cursed energy to heal his wounds. He knew the battle was far from over, and he prepared himself for Sukuna's next move.

Sukuna, not one to relent, began to conjure fire in both of his hands. The flames twisted and spiraled, coalescing into the shape of an arrow as if formed by an invisible bow. With a fluid motion, Sukuna released the arrow, which transformed into a massive cannon of fire hurtling towards Hiro.

In response, Hiro extended his hands forward, and to the amazement of those watching, he began to absorb the fiery onslaught. The flames entered his palms, funneling into his body as he harnessed the power of the attack. The glow of the fire reflected in his eyes, a display of his incredible ability to control and manipulate cursed energy.

The sight was mesmerizing and terrifying. The blaze that should have obliterated him was instead being consumed, the swirling fire diminishing as Hiro took it into himself. His body became a vessel for the energy, containing and converting it, showcasing a level of control that only a few could ever hope to achieve.

Sukuna watched with a growing interest as Hiro absorbed his attack. Such a feat suggested a depth of power that even Sukuna had to acknowledge. The rules of their battle were being rewritten with each passing moment, as both fighters explored the limits of their cursed techniques.

As Hiro neutralized Sukuna's fiery cannon, the air around them crackled with energy, and the balance of power seemed to waver. Hiro, standing amidst the dissipating flames, was not just surviving; he was adapting and turning Sukuna's own strength against him.

Hiro, with energy coursing through him from the absorbed attack, became a blur as he moved with astonishing speed. He appeared in front of Sukuna in an instant, catching the curse off guard. With the power he had accumulated, Hiro unleashed a mighty punch, enhanced by the technique known as Black Flash, which amplifies the impact of a blow by aligning cursed energy in a precise manner.

Sukuna raised his four arms in defense, but it was in vain. Hiro's punch, carrying the force of the Black Flash, shattered Sukuna's arms like glass. The curse was left vulnerable, and Hiro wasted no time.

He delivered a second Black Flash directly to Sukuna's ribs, the sound of breaking bones resonating through the air. Without pausing, Hiro landed a third Black Flash into Sukuna's abdomen, followed swiftly by a fourth that snapped Sukuna's jaw upwards, lifting him slightly off the ground.

With a fluid turn, Hiro executed a fifth Black Flash with a kick, sending Sukuna hurtling through the air. Using his flames to propel himself with incredible velocity, Hiro intercepted Sukuna's trajectory. He gathered energy into his hand and, with precise timing, delivered a sixth and final Black Flash.

This last strike was catastrophic, tearing through a significant portion of Sukuna's torso and propelling the curse into a building with explosive force. The structure could not withstand the impact and crumbled upon Sukuna's collision, dust and debris billowing into the sky.

As Hiro stood amid the ruins of battle, panting from exertion, his mind raced to find a solution. He touched the empty space where his Buddha earrings once were, berating himself for his impulsiveness. "Damn it, why did I have to break those earrings? I'm such an idiot," he thought ruefully.

Running a hand through his hair, Hiro delved deeper into his thoughts. "Let's see, Buddha said everything happens for a reason," he mused. He began to trace back through his recent experiences. "Losing my memory... that didn't help at all... No, I need to go deeper."

Scratching his neck, Hiro continued his internal dialogue. "Okay, let's think. It wasn't an attack on the brain; the memories lost were too precise, even creating false ones, so... they must have altered a part of my soul."

A realization struck him, and his body jolted with the sudden insight. "That's it, the soul! I need to start there, a direct attack on the soul. The only attack I have like that is from my domain, but I can't perform a second domain expansion today, I'm at my limit."

Hiro's thoughts raced. "How can I create an attack like that... When I recovered my memory, I felt energy flowing in my soul. I need to remember that sensation."

Closing his eyes, Hiro concentrated on the feeling he had experienced, trying to grasp the essence of his revelation. "The soul is the body, and the body is the soul. Just as I create physical cursed energy, the kind our eyes can see, I need to create an energy specifically for the soul. But how?"

A wall of deadly slashes, the same technique that had claimed Kashimo's life, began to manifest and advance toward Hiro. It was a barrage of invisible, cursed energy blades that sliced through the air with lethal precision. "Damn it, I can't absorb these cuts," Hiro realized, his usual options for countering attacks rendered ineffective.

"COME!" Hiro bellowed, and in response, the electric dragon swooped down from the sky, its body crackling with energy. It grasped Hiro in its mighty claws, lifting him high above the approaching wall of cuts, allowing him to narrowly evade the deadly onslaught.

Perched atop the dragon's head, Hiro surveyed the battlefield below as Sukuna emerged from the debris, his body now fully regenerated. With a cold and focused look, Hiro leapt from the dragon's head, free-falling back toward the ground.

As he descended, Hiro unleashed a torrential cannon of fire and electricity, a fusion of his elemental powers. The electric dragon, resonating with Hiro's attack, added its own surge of energy, creating a combined blast of immense power.

Sukuna, unfazed, launched a powerful slash that cleaved through the combined attacks, dissipating the elemental energies with a single, precise cut. Hiro, using his fire to propel himself, narrowly dodged the deadly slash, but the electric dragon was not so fortunate. The dragon was severed by Sukuna's attack and vanished in a burst of sparks and smoke.

Hiro's landing was precise, and without missing a beat, he launched himself at Sukuna. Each of Hiro's strikes was a testament to his speed – a rapid succession of jabs and crosses that forced Sukuna to react defensively. Hiro's fists cut through the air, each blow aimed with lethal intent. Sukuna, taken aback by the sheer velocity, parried and dodged, but Hiro's accelerated pace had him on the back foot.

Amid the physical exchange, Hiro's mind was racing. He recalled his training with Master Li Wen, who taught him the Lightning Strike technique, a blindingly fast attack that had been crucial in his victory over Suguru Geto. "Yamada stopped it with his black hole, but Sukuna doesn't have that. I just need to adapt it to target the soul," Hiro thought to himself.

As he continued the onslaught, Hiro landed a solid punch to Sukuna's jaw, the impact resonating with his realization. "I have it! Now I remember," he thought, a surge of clarity coming to him. During his research to regain his memories, he had come across a notion that the soul is inherently pure and free of cursed energy. "To target the soul, I need to create an attack that's completely purified," he deduced.

The memory of the book flashed in his mind – the same one he had been reading in the common room when Yazu was lamenting his lack of a girlfriend. "Thanks, you lovable idiot!" Hiro mentally thanked Yazu for the inadvertent clue.

Seizing the moment, Hiro grabbed Sukuna's arm and, using his momentum, hurled the curse away from him. As Sukuna was flung through the air, Hiro prepared himself to execute his next move, focusing on purifying his cursed energy for an attack that could pierce the soul itself. This was his chance to turn the tide of battle, to leverage the knowledge and skills he had honed to save Megumi and defeat Sukuna. The stakes were high, but Hiro's resolve was unshakable.

Hiro stood firmly, his focus narrowing as he began to channel a vast amount of cursed energy to the tips of his fingers. "First, I condense it," he murmured, his fingers trembling with the gathered power.

Hiro's eyes were closed in concentration, his brow furrowed as he entered the next phase of the technique. "And now, I purify," he said with a smile, signaling the successful transition of the energy. The process was intricate – it required not only immense control over his cursed energy but also a deep understanding of his own soul. The energy at his fingertips began to shift, its ominous, dark aura gradually lightening into a clear, almost radiant force, untainted and refined.

Sukuna, watching from a distance, sensed the shift in Hiro's energy. "What is that brat planning?" he pondered, a hint of curiosity breaking through his usual arrogance. Deciding not to take any chances, Sukuna prepared his response. "Well, it's time to end this," he declared, a grin spreading across his face.

With deliberate precision, Sukuna formed a complex symbol with his fingers and announced, "Domain Expansion." Instantly, the world around them changed. The domain that unfolded was a manifestation of Sukuna's own cursed reality – a space that exuded menace and control. Within it, the laws of nature bent to his will, and his power was absolute.

Hiro, caught off guard by Sukuna's ability to launch another domain, realized the gravity of the situation. "He was holding back, saving his strength for this moment," Hiro thought, a surge of adrenaline coursing through him. But his determination didn't waver. "It doesn't matter, because my attack is ready!"

Hiro stood ready within Sukuna's domain, the purified energy still gathered at his fingertips. He knew that within the domain, Sukuna was at his most powerful, but Hiro also knew that the attack he had prepared – an attack aimed at the soul – might be the key to turning the tables. With his target in sight, Hiro prepared to unleash his technique, a beacon of hope amidst the oppressive power of Sukuna's domain.

In the climactic moment of their epic battle, Hiro unleashed the culmination of his power and ingenuity. As he unfurled his fist, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded in his palm. It was as if he had captured the essence of the cosmos itself, a swirling mass of stardust that glittered with otherworldly light. This was not just a display of raw power; it was the manifestation of Hiro's deep connection to his cursed energy and his soul.

With a look of unwavering determination etched on his face, Hiro raised his arm, directing the celestial power toward Sukuna. "Go, Stardust!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the domain. The stardust, responding to his command, soared through the air, a trail of shimmering light in its wake.

Sukuna, realizing the potential threat, unleashed a barrage of his slicing curse technique. Invisible, deadly slashes filled the air, converging on Hiro with lethal intent. Hiro, aware of the impending danger, fortified himself with cursed energy, but the onslaught was too much. He felt the impact of the cuts, thousands in mere seconds, each one a potential death blow. His body began to succumb to the assault; first, his arm was severed, then his leg, the pain almost unbearable.

Despite the excruciating pain and the looming specter of death, Hiro's focus remained on his attack. Collapsing to the ground, he lifted his head, his eyes locked on the trajectory of the stardust. The ethereal substance collided with Sukuna, penetrating his body as if drawn to his cursed soul.

Upon contact, Sukuna's body became the epicenter of an extraordinary phenomenon. It was as if Hiro's stardust had ignited the very essence of the curse. Sukuna's form was enveloped in a blinding, white light, pure and intense. It illuminated the domain with a brilliance that was almost divine, casting stark shadows and bathing everything in its radiant glow.

Then, with a force that shook the very foundations of the domain, the light exploded in a dazzling burst. The explosion was not just a physical force; it was a wave of purified, soul-targeted energy that swept through the domain. The light expanded, engulfing everything in its path, consuming the domain in a tide of purifying power.

The brilliance of the explosion was overwhelming, rendering everything else invisible. As the white light continued to expand, the fate of Sukuna, Hiro, and the battle itself hung in balance, shrouded in the luminescent glow of Hiro's ultimate attack.

As the blinding light from Hiro's attack began to dissipate, the oppressive domain that Sukuna had created shattered, breaking apart into fragments of cursed energy. A thick cloud of smoke enveloped the area, obscuring the aftermath of the colossal explosion.

Lying amidst the ruins, Hiro slowly opened his eyes. "Looks like I won," he murmured to himself, a faint smile crossing his lips despite the pain and exhaustion that racked his body. With the last reserves of his strength, he focused his cursed energy on his injuries. His leg, previously severed, began to regenerate, the flesh and bone knitting back together under the influence of his powers. However, his arm, which had been completely severed, was a more severe injury. He managed only to close the wound, stopping the bleeding. "I'll regenerate it later. Right now, I can't," he admitted, a sense of fatigue washing over him.

Hiro lay back on the ground, each breath he took a laborious effort. The battle had taken everything from him, leaving him on the brink of his physical and cursed limits.

In his mind, Hiro turned his thoughts to Megumi. "Megumi should be around here somewhere. I'll ask Yazu to look for him... I can't do it myself anymore," he thought, the concern for his friend evident even in his exhausted state.

As Hiro staggered to his feet, the aftermath of the battle surrounding him, the sound of excited voices echoed in the distance. "SENPAI, YOU DID IT!" It was Itadori and Yazu, their voices filled with joy and relief. Their energy signatures, vibrant and unmistakable, preceded their arrival as they rushed towards Hiro.

Their approach was marked by a mixture of concern and admiration. As they reached Hiro, they enveloped him in a heartfelt embrace. Yazu, with a mix of awe and gratitude, exclaimed, "Senpai, you really came back and defeated Sukuna. You're a hero!"

Itadori, always looking up to Hiro, added with genuine admiration, "You're incredible, Senpai. We were so worried, but you did it!"

Hiro, despite his exhaustion and the pain from his injuries, managed a weak but genuine smile. "Yes, yes, I am pretty amazing," he replied, trying to lighten the mood.

Just then, Maki's voice cut through the celebration. "And you're not going to say anything to me?" she asked, half-joking, half-serious. She stood a short distance away, her presence strong despite her lack of cursed energy.

Caught slightly off guard, Hiro turned towards the sound of her voice. "Sorry, Maki. Without cursed energy, I didn't notice you," he said, his tone apologetic.

Maki's eyebrow arched in mock annoyance. "Uh? Are you making fun of me? How could you not see me?" she teased.

Hiro's response was quieter, more solemn. "Actually, I can't see anything anymore... Not after the battle." His voice was tinged with a sadness that spoke volumes.

Maki's playful demeanor vanished as she stepped closer to Hiro, concern etching her features. She looked into Hiro's eyes, those vibrant blue eyes that had always been so full of life and determination. Now, they were dim, devoid of the spark that had once defined them.

Gently, she reached out, her hand caressing his cheek. "What happened, Hiro?" she asked, her voice soft yet filled with worry.

Hiro exhaled slowly, the reality of his sacrifice settling in. "To regain my memories, I made a Binding Vow. The price was my sight, to be claimed after the battle," he explained, his words heavy with the weight of his loss.

The group fell silent, absorbing the gravity of Hiro's words. His victory, though monumental, had come at a significant personal cost.

Relieved and exhausted, Hiro tried to lighten the somber mood. "Let's not worry about that right now. Let's celebrate our victory instead," he said, trying to shift the focus. "Hey Yazu, can you search the debris for Megumi's body?"

Yazu nodded, a sense of purpose in his actions. He and Itadori began to sift through the wreckage, searching diligently for their friend.

Meanwhile, Maki moved closer to Hiro, wrapping her arms around him in a warm embrace. "I thought you had died. I'm so glad you're here," she said, her voice filled with relief and emotion.

Hiro responded with a touch of his usual humor. "Death will need to try harder if it wants to take me," he quipped, trying to ease the tension.

Maki let out a soft laugh and affectionately kissed Hiro's cheek, grateful for his safety and their victory.

Suddenly, Yazu's voice echoed across the debris-strewn area. "Senpai, we found him!" he shouted. Maki looked in the direction of the voice to see Itadori carefully carrying Megumi's body, a smile of relief on his face. "He's breathing! Megumi is alive!" Maki announced, her voice carrying a mixture of joy and disbelief.

Hiro's face broke into a smile upon hearing the good news. "It looks like we're going to have a happy ending after all," he said, his voice tinged with satisfaction and relief.

The joyous reunion was made complete as more of their companions arrived at the scene. Panda, Kusakabe, Higuruma, Yuta, Inumaki, and the others approached, their faces reflecting a mix of relief and admiration.

"You've done it, kid," Kusakabe said to Hiro, his voice expressing both pride and a hint of surprise at the remarkable feat Hiro had accomplished.

Yuta stepped forward, a look of concern still lingering in his eyes, but now mixed with relief. "You had us worried," he said as he handed Hiro a cursed katana. "But it looks like you're back."

Gratefully accepting the katana, Hiro began to absorb the cursed energy within it, focusing on regenerating his missing arm. As his limb slowly began to reform, Hiro replied with a light-hearted tone, "Yes, I'm back. And it looks like you'll all have to put up with my wonderful charisma once again."

Inumaki, ever succinct, added his unique touch to the conversation with a single word, "Ojuelas." His comment, simple yet fitting, brought smiles to everyone's faces.

Laughter filled the air as the group started to relax, the tension and fear of the recent battle giving way to a moment of much-needed peace. They were warriors who had faced death and emerged victorious, and now they took the time to appreciate the camaraderie and the bonds that had been strengthened through their shared struggles.

In that moment, amidst the ruins of a hard-fought battle, they found comfort in each other's presence. They shared stories, laughter, and relief, celebrating their victory and the resilience of their spirit. It was a brief respite in the dangerous world they inhabited, a moment to cherish the peace they had fought so hard to achieve.