17. Lady in distress

Garrett let go of her chin moving away from her, Unique still had her eyes close hoping the kiss had last longer, but it was brief and short and feathery kiss.

Slowly Unique opened her eyes to look at Garrett whose face was an inch away from her. His brown eyes never leaving hers, a smirk tug at the corner of his lips seeing Uniques desperate face.

"Since you are now in the water you should take a bath again" Garrett told her moving away to rest his back on the hard plate.

Unique moved uncomfortably even after going naked in front of him once, Garrett who noticed didn't say much to pressure her and let her be.

Minutes later of soaking himself in the tub Garrett who was relaxing his head on the edge of the bathtub looked over at the asleep Unique, she was close to drowning herself in the tub.

"Silly kitten"

He mutter and took a towel from the hanger wrapping it around his waist, he draped a robe on Unique body and carried her out the tub and back to their room. Gently and carefully he lay her on the soft mattress, he notice her shivering at the cold wind blowing in through the window.

Garrett took the initiative to close them drawing the curtain together, he look at the fragile and pale bundle of warm light on his bed.

"You would only get your self hurt Kitten" he mutter beneath his breathe.

That night the two had a rest after the long journey they had.


Ambrosia arrived back home in the human realm, she had spent most of her time back at the realm arguing with her mom about a possible suitor which she all rejected upon arrival.

She didn't have much work back at her workshop so she decided to visit the Friday market to get new inspiration for her pottery net week.

Kids and adults were having fun walking around the market place.

"Miss over here a beautiful crystal stone for your skin" Ambrosia approach the lady looking at the laid out stone.

The lady took a brief glance at Ambrosia and smiled,

"Very beneficial for someone like you" the old lady said.

Ambrosia raised her head to look at her wondering what that meant, Ambrosia retracted her hands not touching the stone again.

"I will pass not quite my taste, it very tacky little siren" Ambrosia said with a smirk which got to the siren whose eyes had gone splited for a few seconds.

She laughed out replying Ambrosia, I see your eyes sees behold my facade, such rare power you have for a vampire what origin is your family tree it will be interesting to consume."

"You will be surprise to find out, anyway i am no official, I hope you get back into your pond safely and leave the innocent out of your little ploy. You don't want the reaper knocking at your door, believe me it can be quiet scary" Ambrosia whisper the last part to the siren who watch Ambrosia with annoyed eyes, Ambrosia walked away with a smile.

Close between the realm a mansion stood proudly amongst the cloak of trees, A man walk into the living room where he met his lord whose eyes were fixated on the boiling pot in the middle of the room.

His lord had a little smile on his face watching the pot boil, the man stood behind him, his face was haggard and scarred watch his lord coupled together the ingredients he got the last time.

His bony feet shift from one step to another, his bony finger folding and unfolding his pale skin stinking up the place and his scalp looking dry

"What news did you bring me Martel?" The lord asked, Martel raise his head to look at his lord.

"The court has already sent out the reaper to start investigation, he seems to be a smart one he was able to get information about our shop" Martel told his lord who nodded.

"Hmm I heard, nothing to worry about he wouldn't go far in his search, let him have it his way we wouldn't want to kill his excitement for now" the lord said and Martel bowed he watch his lord turn to face him with a brilliant smile hold a goblet filled withe position he was making, he approached Martel with it.

Getting to where Martel stood with his eyes casted down he handed him the goblet which Martel accepted with shaky fingers.

He gulp down the content in a rush, breathing in harshly.

"Easy Martel easy, I have a little task for you" his lord said. Martel skin start to knit back together repairing it self.

"Anything for you my lord" Martel replied which brought a smile on his lord face.

"Good" his lord commented.


For the next five days Garrett had busied himself with work, he only step foot in his mansion late at night when Unique had fallen asleep and leave early before Unique wakes up.

Gracie had left for home the next day after her Visit like her brother she had a busy schedule.

Unique was having lunch alone again, her meal was tasteless and she could hardly chew on them without having to stop, the white cat she she brought home the last time she went out with Garrett was under the table having his meal.

Fernandez stood at the left hand of Unique while Sophie stood at her right both attending to their bored lady who seems to find pleasure in playing with her meal.

Fernandez who noticed she was not in a good mood decided to cheer her up.

"Mi lady would yo' like to go hoarse riding?" Fernandez asked her.

Unique eyes brighten up hearing that, she had never been on a hoarse before, it was a opportunity she didn't want to miss.

"Hoarse riding?" Unique asked again to be sure.

"Yes mi lady " Fernandez replied.

Sophie gave him a look which could murder Fernandez in spot.

"Miss Unique that would be a very bad idea you are not in the best state to go hoarse riding, remember y......" Unique cut Sophie long speech short.

"I am perfectly fine Sophie, no need to worry much about me" Unique said getting up her seat to change her clothes before going out.

Finally arriving at the hoarse stable, Unique had already dressed up in a comfortable clothing to ride hoarse.

Fernandez spoke to the man managing the stable, Sophie was fuming the entire time not liking the fact that Unique was taking the risk.

A hoarse was brought over to her, it fur was black and it looks very majestic.

"Shantel is a very gentle hoarse, she able to connect with her rider and know what they like or not, don't worry about falling off, she wouldn't let you fall " the stable man said.

Unique got on the hoarse with a huge smile, she was giddy up and very excited about the ride she was about to experience.

The stable man patted Shantel on the butt and Shantel started moving slowly letting Unique Enjoy the ride.

Unique couldn't stop smiling as she was carried around by Shantel to see the green scenery

Sophie turn to Fernandez with a scowl in which Fernandez raise his brow at.

"Stay away from my Miss she's mine to serve, stop trying to manage her I can take care of her my self. She has has been my responsibility since her child hood" Sophie said to Fernandez, who paid less attention to her barter.

From Across the field Aliyah Unique cousin who was there to take a ride with her male friend sighted a familiar face who was having fun on a hoarse.

"So Aliyah want to have a late night sna", the guy was saying but got cut off by Aliyah who was looking in the other direction of the field.

" Unique??" She walk forward to see Unique indeed,she was riding a hoarse limited to Everyone and which belongs to the owner of the hoarse field.

"Unique??" Aliyah called Unique who had a smile on her face, she was radiating her looks different.

"Aliyah!" Unique called surprised to see her cousin who was standing Infront of her, Shantel who understood what was going on stop so the both ladies could Chat.

"SO you ran away from your wedding which brought our entire family crashing and missing our respect in the society"Aliyah glower at her.

Unique mouth fell agape she didn't expect Aliyah to be pissed off with her.

"Umm Aliya...."

"Shut the hell up you ungrateful whip" Aliyah stopped her.

"After everything we did for you just because you are richer than us doesn't mean you should treat us like trash, my dad has been frantically looking for you,but what are you doing having fun " Aliyah continued.

"I didn't mean to hurt anyone I promise" Unique said. She was helped down the hoarse and the stable man took the hoarse away.

"You b!tch you should have died a long time ago your presence alone is torture for us what more are you waiting for?" Aliyah yelled at her, the people present at the stable stare at both the lady argue, even Sophie who was having a silent argument look over at Unique to see who was making so much noise.

Fernandez brow knitted in confusion, he wonder who was speaking so harshly to Lady Unique.

"Am sorry Aliyah I didn't mean to...." Unique Tried taking hold of Aliyah hand but Aliyah pushed her away instead which made Unique crash on the floor harshly scalding her palm badly.

"Ahhh" Unique whimpered the pain shooting up her harm, her leg had twisted in process of falling which caused a sprain.

Aliyah still fume, a man from the crowd approach them he was dressed in a high quality suit.

Fernandez and Sophie were in front of them in no time helping their lady up.

"Are you okay miss" the man asked Unique look at him before replying.

"Am fine, I will take care of it, you don't have to interfere..." Unique was saying but the man stop her with a smile.

"I don't ignore a lady in distress, you have tried your best let me handle the rest, He said.

Aliyah look at the man with a wide eyes wondering what relationship Unique shared with him.

"You will feel remorseful for a week and not remember why you feel that way, because you have been a very bad girl". the man said to Aliyah who seems to be in a trance. Aliyah nodded and walked away which made Unique scowl she wondered what just happened, even Fernandez took a note of the incident.

The man turn and smiled at Unique introducing himself.

"Hello My name is Tony Rivers, seems you needed the help, Women can get frantic at times, believe me I have experience their desperateness over and over again", Tony said.

Unique nodded thanking him, she was tired and needed to go home.

" Thanks for today Mr Tony it was nice meeting you today, I will be on my way now if you may excuse me" Unique said walking away.