The Smith might know I

The town fair was a better place for the next murder to take place, everyone was carefree as they celebrate the yearly gathering which couldn't be avoided as it was a tradition amongst them.

Ambrosia walked side by side with Nolan whose eyes were focused on the path they were walking while Ambrosia was scanning the things laid out for sales.

"Here miss it a very rare bracelet once lover wears it they are tied for life it was made by ancient fae who was expect in love," the man whispered the last part to Ambrosia who wonder how she always stumble upon silly people.

"My bad sir that not really my specialty I don't like silly things just leave things as they are...."

"I will take two, here" Nolan said interrupting Ambrosia righteous speech.

Nolan collect the bracelet and pocket it, Ambrosia blink once and twice curious what he was going to use that for and who he was planning to give.

"Didn't know you believe in such" Ambrosia said to him and Nolan shook his head.

"I don't but the man was trying so hard to sell his goods, real or not does it really matter, as long as the souls are connected such things can't compare" Nolan told her which made Ambrosia surprised.

"I didn't know you know so much about the matter of the heart, Ambrosia replied.

Nolan chuckled and they continued as they went further Garrett was spotted in the fair speaking with Julian, Ambrosia saw him and went forward with Nolan who also had a few things to discuss with him.

"Garrett? I thought fairs like this make you sick" Ambrosia said coming to a stop in front of him.

Garrett turn to look at the two and Ambrosia gasped almost immediately.

"It still do" came Garrett reply but Ambrosia had discarded her earlier remark.

"What in the world happened to you, you look like a walking zombie" Ambrosia said, Nolan blinked not really sure what Ambrosia saw to make her say that .

"He looks fine" Nolan told her even Julian was confused.

"No he doesn't do you see he's eyes it becoming hallow" Ambrosia told them.

"Oh I forgot about your horrible skills I don't need it at this moment both you and Nalla are bunch of headache" Garrett told her.

"Nalla? She's awake how come I wasn't informed, and don't you dare change the topic" Ambrosia said not ready to let things slid.

"Not now Rosa, not now " Garrett told her seriously.

Ambrosia decided to let it go for the moment.

"Any new about the killer yet?" Nolan asked.

"Nothing so far, Amok wouldn't spill a word and the killer hasn't made a move yet, things are becoming hectic in court each clan trying to protect their people of the killers claws" Nolan told Garrett who listened carefully.

"Wasn't this case link way back, judging from what I could gather from the issues, just like years ago the killings are almost same,"Ambrosia said.

"Hmmm, I don't know how this was link with the Smith family but the name was mentioned once in the past record book, although it was an insignificant details" Julian said.

"Do you know any one who bares the name Antonio Delavida, does it clicks at all?" Nolan asked Garrett whose brow came together in a slight frown"

"Antonio Dale Delavida?" Garrett called the name fully.

"It is " Julian said surprised Garrett knew who it was even if he didn't attend the last meeting.

"He was a servant boy who often visit my Grandparents home years ago if I remember correctly" Garrett said.

Nolan eyes brim at the new discovery.

"He was a suspect of the case but was dismissed for lack of evidence" Nolan said.

"Do you still hear from him?" Nolan asked

"No it happened years ago haven't seen him since then, maybe my grandparents would know" Garrett shrug.

"Don't they live in the outskirt of Noval town

That quite far from the west it will take two days to reach ones destination if by a van " Ambrosia said.

"Judging from this formation you definitely are not going alone, 'cause am not leaving you to go on that trip alone " Ambrosia said to him Nolan look between the two who were so comfortable in each other's presence and felt a pang of jealousy which he wasn't sure where it was coming from.

Garrett wince at Ambrosia angry look he wasn't ready to deal with the female stubbornness, he was rather too tired to stand anymore and he urgently needed a seat to rest on, Garrett felt like an old man and he hated it.

"Suit your self woman" Garrett told her and walk away with Julian.

Nolan look at Ambrosia who watch Garrett go, he wasn't sure why she was so worried he looked fine on the outside, but she knew him way back more than she knew him so he was going to let it slid......? What was sliding he was starting to act like an annoyed lover.


Nalla dropped the fifth pervert she has killed into the well he was going to be fished out later by the locals.

She enjoyed every cry of pain they scream of each time she messes with them, she didn't go looking for trouble, trouble kept coming to her. Seems they couldn't keep their thing still, was she worried about their family? No Nalla was quite sure their family were most thankful for getting rid of their piece of shit.

Nalla turned to leave as she walk further awake she was suddenly zap by an unknown force which made her fall to her knees in serious pant sweat dripping down her forehead to her chin.

Her eyes closed showing the white in them before reopening to let out a pained scream which brought her head up to the sky.

1889, July.

"Antonio wait am tired going further into this unknown part aren't you scared as a human ", Nalla asked him. He let out a smile and replied.

"We are going to see if we are truly a pair from heaven" Antonio told her.

"It isn't necessarily things that are meant to be will sure be, why are you forcing it?" Nalla asked.

Antonio let out a scowl seeing as he was becoming pissed, Nalla decided to agree to his terms.

"Come on now my love let go" Antonio told her and Nalla agreed.


Unique dropped the bowl of soup she had just consume.

"Is it okay, is that how the how much our hotel cost isn't a bit too high for a normal reservations"

Unique told her uncle who had brought home some official paperwork Unique was supposed to approve.

"The demands are high and the government are not responding to our normal supplies" Mr Arnold replied.

"Is the rate of our fast food in the market going well?" Unique asked.

"Yes we got a lot of encouraging and satisfying feeds back, spice tv has decided to sponsor our show by introducing us to a larger audience. Mr Arnold said.

"We are already large in the market and countries, we might as well introduces spice tv to a larger audience not the other way around." Unique said.

"Nobody ,who me? Half of what I own and have archived you are nothing close to it. I might seem very vulnerable but am not miserable just because I have been keeping my cool and haven't said anything in My defense doesn't mean you can step on me and speak to me anyhow you please"

A bang of pain rush through Unique brain as a flash of image and voices pour in. She moved back and ended up pouring the content on table away blindly.

Mr Arnold stand up in a rush to hold her from falling, the last thing he needed was her hitting her head again.