The Smith might know III

Unique let the fire burn out before standing up her feet,the night was cold and she had burn some woods to warm up the room.

She approach the window to close them but her eyes caught the silhouette of a person who stood outside her window staring up at it.

"Garrett?" Unique turn and rushed downstairs and to her surprised it wasn't Garrett who was outside rather it was a female who looks exactly like him, she was a strawberry blonde which was rather different from Garretts brown hair.

"Who are you?" Unique asked the lady whose clothes were a bit off, she wore an overall black gown with a hat that covered part of her face. She was being dramatic not like they were in the 80s.

"I am not surprised you don't recognize me, the fall you took must be serious", Nalla told her.

"You know me... Are you perhaps related to Garrett?" Unique was quick to ask.

Nalla laughed she took a step forward and came in face with Unique whose eyes were widely staring Nalla's red one.

"Garrett??" Nalla made a pout and replied.

"Dead" Nalla told her, Unique gasp she moved back looking away from Nalla who enjoyed the emotion playing on Unique face.

" He... Can't be it .... G

He's alive I know it... I .... I don't know I just know " Unique stammer trying to gather her incoherent mind.

Nalla began laughing, her voice hysterical almost deafening.

"Oh love, it such disaster you don't even know the trouble you are causing... Nalla voice went low and she was back in Unique face again with a speed which scares her.

"Do you have any idea what you have done, while you are busy living an happy life my little relative is dying..... Where's Garrett? Huh he dying. But what do you care child you don't even remember who he is how can you miss him so much" Nalla said circling Unique.

"We are married " Unique told Nalla what Garrett had told her.

"Married!! Ah ah hahhhhhh ridiculous, what you both share is a soul bond you are link to him and he to you, if one dies both dies, now Garrett is paying for messing with time because you are suppose to be dead long time ago but here you are still alive" Nalla said to Unique face which made Unique face flush in fear at Nalla spiteful words.

" I don't believe you " Unique told her.

Nalla smiled and adjusted her cap.

"You don't shall I show you?" Before Unique could utter the next word Nalla pulled her and touched her scalp with both hands her fingers in Unique hair, Unique gasped and shot her head up as serie of image shot in, jungling her memory.


Antonio pulled out the heart of the vampiress he just murdered, he place it in the bag where many more he had hunted down was.

Taking it back with him to his hut, he emptied the bag into pot of boiling ingredients and began stirring them.

"Oh the last one and it done" he said to himself".

Nalla hop down her room window using a rope where she had knotted her clothes together.

She look around and began making it out their mansion gate, Nalla walk pass her home and down the street into the night she walk around frantically in search of Antonio finally arriving at an old mansion where they used to meet up, she walked in.

Nalla was met with a really dark room as it was the night time, something strange was in the air and she couldn't see beyond the darkness.




Her voice echo the mansion and she moved further in.

"Nalla?" Nalla heard her voice being whispered out she turned to grasp the voice where it was coming from but she couldn't and she was starting to become confused.

The candles lite up it was around her and she was standing in a strange diagram which was drawn on the floor. Nalla stare at it confused taking a step forward to step out of it, but as soon as her leg was about to come out she screamed in pain feeling the hotness of fire burn her, Nalla move back in the pain unbearable.

"Don't move around sweetie it will hurt you more" Nalla heard a familiar voice come out the corner.

"Antonio!" Nalla called out forgetting her pain as a flood of excitement overwhelmed her which soon turn to pain as another wave of pain hit her, her Sense ringing her entire world spinning she move back in the circle and it subsided.

"What going on what this, get me out of here Antonio I don't like it at all" Nalla told him stretching her hand forth so he could pull her out.

"Get you out but I didn't put you there you walked in your self " Antonio said and began laughing clapping his hand excitedly.

"What do you mean, I..... Antonio it me Nalla" Nalla called out to him not able to understand what was happening.

"You still don't get it do you, oh you naive little thing what am I going to do with you. You are born a vampire but you don't act like one, you should have been born a human Instead and you should have given me the chance to experience being an predator. But don't worry soon I will join you in your world" Antonio said.

"What are you doing Antonio have you been possessed? this isn't you, you wouldn't do this to me" Nalla said her eyes becoming red and puffy, she couldn't believe what she was seeing Antonio was going to do something to her, something strange and hurtful she wasn't going to like it.

"Guess what, you are my train to immortality, all I need to do is grab on tight and you are going to drive me home" Antonio said with an eerie voice Nalla had never heard before.

"You are insane and twisted you are never going to achieve your aim" Nalla said and Tried stepping out again, she scream in horror as the pain shoot up her leg to her brain frying them and causing her to step back.

"Stop trying you can't step out of the circle, just a few minutes left and the full moon is going to be at my expense then we can begin the ritual hold on tight until then."

"You insane bastard, I curse you let me out" Nalla screamed, Antonio ignored her.

Minutes pass and the Moon was finally shining up in the sky, Antonio eyes lite up as he saw this he was quick to pull the curtain aside and let them touch the diagram on the ground. The fire burning at a side Antonio cut himself and let his blood sip into it, and his eyes turned black as he began chanting.

Nalla moved back seeing him in a new form.

"You..... You are a witch" she murmured out her eyes widen in horror.

Antonio opened his eyes and stare at her his lips lifted in a smirk and his skin dry and greenish, his legs were no longer right they were facing backwards, his skin so dry it was peeling off with every movement he made.

"You are not impressed, soon you would be" his chant became loud soon Nalla saw wisps of flame go up from the fire like a claw it was facing her she shook her head moving back but as soon as she stepped the line again she screamed in agony and fell to her knees.

The flame wrap around her neck in a choking grip, her essence was drawn out little by little her eyes half close she watch Antonio walk up to her and receive her essence into him with a satisfied smile he close his eyes and it sip through his five senses.

His eyes were the first to change to red, Nalla was losing her senses little by little she was starting to feel hallow and dark as she was being switch with a witch essence, it sip through her bone making her sick.

'what was going on, she couldn't let such bastard rip her off of her identify, she was a Smith and a Smith wasn't born a failure'.

The mansion door strung open and Nalla's parents stood there with horror written all over their face.

Nalla scream was loud she cut off what was transpiring between them with force as the circle split into two. Antonio was thrown back with force, Nalla eyes were all red she look at her parents with an half Manic smile and stepped out the mansion through the window.

"What have you done" Nalla mother said seeing as her daughter was no longer the child she knew.

Nalla brutally murdered both old and young men he comes across, her hatred was wide her grieving expense her madness out of control. She was frantic, she couldn't be stopped, within a night she murdered up to thirty innocent men who stumbled across her path.

The officials who were close to the Smith family and held them in high regards had to step in and handle the case.

Cassius brought up the solution of putting Nalla to sleep, he stable a silver dagger into her heart and she withered out, she was placed in a coffin and into an underground where she was locked away for centuries.

The case was sweep under the mat and cleared out after Antonio wasn't found at the incident again, he disappeared in the face of earth not found.

Madam Smith explained to the visitors and her grandson.

"Antonio was never found till today?" Ambrosia asked the story she just heard horrifying she felt bad for Nalla.

Garrett didn't utter a word and only listened.

"He was never found, he could be the one causing the murder I don't know all I want is for my child Nalla to be alright, and speaking of Nalla what have you done Garrett? Garrett look over at his Grandma.

"What did I do?" He asked playing dumb to the question.

"Don't play stupid with me, I heard it all from your sister Gracie, you have brought a human girl home and you let Nalla out, what are you planning another catastrophe upon us like Nalla did?"His grandma asked.

"Don't worry Grandma Unique is nothing like what you think" he told her.

" I hope her name applies to her behavior, and what have I heard about you offending your ex fiancee family if I should put it that way" His grandmother said.

"Yes Malta, she owns me a few debts"

"Resolve your issues with that family quickly and get them off our page I never Liked that imprudent girl to begin with your mother is one of a kind. Do save your father some cautioning and let his wife go, what is wrong with this new generations of smith we are turning upside down, forgetting old traditions" Madam Smith said she got up her feet and walk away while letting the young people listen to her rants.

"Soo, This Antonio guys isn't just a nobody," Julian said and the rest nodded.

"His ritual lead to a lot of damages, although it wasn't thoroughly done he was still able to get what he wanted" Nolan said.

"It seems his immortality is starting to fade and he his redoing the ritual all over again, I wonder who his next victim would be another vampiress who will fall victim to his ploy",Ambrosia said.


Unique pant as her memories return with force her headache unmatched with the pain she was feeling in her heart.

Nalla had let her know in a terrible way possible that Garrett was dying in a months time and it was her fault.

"So what would you do to save him, would you sacrifice your life now and end his pain." Nalla said.

"I want to see Garrett please take me to him" Unique pleaded she needed to see him.

"What don't you understand, you should stay away from him and die quietly why must you be a pest in his life ain't you satisfied with the damage you caused. All humans are the same, full of greed".

Nalla pulled away from Unique her repulsiveness building as she fight the urge to murder her on spot.

Unique shed tears her pain unable to contain itself, she was devastated.

The following day Unique made her way out of her home without Sophie knowledge, she took a ride trying to locate Garrett home, she couldn't remember the exact location as she was always with Fernandez and didn't bother about her route back home.

"This is the final destination miss I can't understand your explanation I don't know where you are heading to please get done my car" the chauffeur told her.

Unique got off the cab and stood on the street, she sat down on the side of the road her clothes soaked as it was already raining by the time the day becomes dark.

She had her legs drawn up together and her head in-between them crying.

She suddenly felt the peddle of rain stop hitting her, Unique look up to see a strange man holding up an umbrella to her head while he stood wet in the rain.

"Why are you crying so much?" He asked with a warm smile which was directed at her.

"I am hurt and broken I can't find my way home I couldn't even be a better person" she told him.

"Was it worth the tears?" He asked her.

"Pardon ?" Unique asked.

"He must have worth it, the man let out a smile" he handed Unique the umbrella.

"You shouldn't soak your self in the rain, so you wouldn't get sick, take care of yourself and lift your spirits your pain would end soon" he told her with a smile and walk away, Unique watch him go and he got into his car.

"Drive" Antonio told Martel who kicked off the engine and the car roar off.


Garrett arrived back to the human realm after the little visit, his first destination after arrival was to visit Malta.

He knocked at the front door and it was soon opened by the house keeper, she recognized Garrett and let him in.

"Where's Malta?" He asked the maid who bowed before replying.

"In her room my lord," Garrett nodded and walked away he didn't bother placing a knock before making his way in Malta room.

"Garrett??" She called seeing as her door was kicked opened, she move back fear gripping her as she remembered what she had done the last time and Garrett promise to make her pay, after all she had broken the code of not hurting a human.

"Why surprised to see me" Garrett draw as he took a little tour around her room while leaving the door opened.

"Um..... Yes I mean I haven't seen you in a while," She stammer as she stare at the door taking little step to try getting to the door.

Garrett chuckle seeing as she was fidgeting.

"Hope you haven't forgotten you own me a debt" Garrett said and Malta gulp, she fidget again playing with her gown her fingers digging into her palm drawing out blood.

"What debt" Malta chuckle nervously.

"Shall I jog your memory" Garrett told her turning to look at Malta who was looking terrified.

"You pushed my woman down the stairs and am here to pay you back for the favour" Garrett told her.

Malta look over at the door and and went dashing for it with a speed with a believe she was going to succeed. Before she could take any more step out Garrett was already Infront of her with a wooden dagger penetrating her heart.

She gasped her eyes widen and her skin drying up almost immediately, she fell back the ground dead.