Don't mess with me

Wrap around him was Unique after washing up together with Garrett doing the main job of bathing them. Unique was too tired to move.

He laid her on the bed before getting in himself, Unique had her eyes shut sleepily feeling Garrett finger massage her scalp.

She was wraped in his arms as he spooned her from behind.

Unique felt his hand slid down her waist disappearing into her pyjamas which she had put on From the bathroom earlier. He played with her navel gliding his finger up and down and making a circular motion on her belle which grew bigger each seconds. Unique refused to give him any reaction.

Garrett swipe his thumb on her n!pple and a gasp escape Unique lips her eyes shooting open, she was exhausted from what they had outside now he wasn't going to let her have a peaceful rest.

From behind she felt a poke on her back and she knew Garrett was high again, she flushed in embarrassment as Garrett turned her to face him while he was on top.

The room was deemly lite by the bedside lamp which provided a better view of Unique face and soon to be opened body.

Garrett gently unbuckle her buttons pulling her clothes aside, he ravage her body with his eyes giving her a satisfied scan which made Unique flush some more.

She swallowed, seeing as Garrett came close to her and lap on her plumb which rose to fame immediately it felt the wetness of Garrett tongue which was now sucking and pulling.

He gave attention to the two plumb sucking and poking at the same time biting.

Unique had her eyes closed the entire moments enjoying the unimaginable desire.

"Ahh..." She yelp as Garrett bite her n!pple drawing blood which he cleaned off with his tongue.

His hand glided down passing her abdomen to her privy, he tap his hand on her privy feeling the hotness that was emanating from down below, he look up to see Unique watching him he gave her a side smile before pulling her as they changed position to Unique on top.

Her eyes widen she felt Garrett hard abdomen as she sat on him naked and not directly on his shaft.

"Common kitten let me teach you how to please me you want to learn right?" Garrett as watching her nod her head gently and embarrassed.

He took her hand that was resting on her side and place them on his chest.

"Pinch the little bud" he told her.

Unique did as she was told pinching Garrett on his n!pples, Garrett didn't flinch it was like he felt nothing but a feathered touch.

"What was that?" He asked her with a raised brow.

"You told me to pinch you, so I did" she defended seeing Garrett raised brow that was staring seriously at her.

"Again" he told her and Unique did it again, she noticed Garrett unsatisfied look, seeing as he wasn't responding to her touch, she move her head down and took his n!pple with her teeth.

She went first with her tongue giving him a quick lick before biting down hard, a muscle in Garrett's jaw tick as Unique was doing pass what she was told and was copying Garrett in what he did to her.

She lick and bite his hard chest down to his body reaching his waist line she gave him a quick kiss on the navel, she proceeded to move below his waist line but she was stopped by Garrett who held her head up and brought it back to his face giving her a deep kiss.

"Let me please" Unique said trying to get Garrett to let her make him feel as good as she felt.

"Can you handle me, don't release the wolf don't get greedy to pet him" Unique raise her brow in question wondering what he meant by that.

"Why? you think I can't handle this much or am I so unpleasing" Unique asked getting annoyed as Garrett wouldn't let her touch him.

"You really want to touch me" Garrett said chuckling.

"Alright fine, Garrett said pulling his hand back and relaxing on the bed, before you start you might want to restrain me, I can get ahead of myself at times," he told her with a smile Unique though about it for a moment before agreeing, she took her hair tie from on top the dresser and tied Garrett hands to the head board.

Garrett smirk seemingly like the mastermind he was, After Unique was done tying him she climb on top the bed again.

She took his shaft in her palm hurriedly and felt the soft texture harden against her touch, she look up at Garrett to see him gritting his teeth, she smiled knowingly and took him in her mouth licking him up and down.

Garrett breathe out in pant he watch his little kitten get wild and tease him with her tongue, she slid down further with her mouth his shaft touching the base of her throat, Garrett let out a groan it rumble at the back of his throat.

Unique look up with an innocent smile and slid back down again, she made sure she took him whole she continued like that for several minutes, as she felt Garrett shaft was starting to become more thicker and he was too quiet, he was close to relieve Unique pulled away smirking. She had it in mind she was going to make him pay for not letting her have her release in peace.

Unique pulled back from him and glance up to see Garrett steady but hard eyes on her. He had no expression what so ever but Unique didn't know he was scheming within.

She sat on him balancing her privy on his entrance as she glide down on him and began moving ridiculously slow inorder to annoy Garrett more. Her pace was torturous as she enjoyed herself having it her way.

No word escape Garrett lips but his jaw thicken at each pace Unique took, it went on for about ten minutes with Unique sliding out each time Garrett was about to have a release.

She slid out again looking down at Garrett red shaft that was hard with veins from her torture she giggled out not looking at Garrett but down at him.

She heard a snap and she turn but before she could get a better look at Garrett he had her pinned to the wall and off the bed with an incredible speed she didn't know how things had happened.

"You shouldn't have messed with me" Garrett told her with an pained hoarse voice, she opened her mouth to replied but was interrupted by an hard shaft gliding into her with speed.

One of her leg was wrapped around his waist with the other down to support her and her back against the wall.

Unique gasp at the invasion which almost didn't contain her core, it was tight down there but Garrett wasn't having it, she had her way now was his turn. He pounded into her so fast Unique she threw her head back.

"Garr...Ga... Garrett wait ahhhhhhh" she screamed like she never before Garrett was going too fast and she wasn't balanced on her feet, her finger dung into his back while she search for support.

"Ahhhhh, Garrett...." She release but he wasn't done yet he took both her legs and wrap them around his waist as he continued pounding hard and deep.

Unique screamed biting her lips while holding on for her dear life she wrapped around him tightly as Garrett went on with his pace.

"Garrett please ahhhhh..... Ahhhh" she screamed as both released the same time with Garrett giving a final pound.

Their pant filled the room both still wrapped against each other. Unique had lost all feelings in her leg and has become a jelly.

"You would learn not to do that next time" he told her as he took her to the bathroom for another quick shower and Unique didn't protest or she was too tired to after the punishment if she was going to put it that way she just went through.