Tell me who am i

She smiled at the manager who assessed her, while discussing with the other director in charge of the show. Life was fair to her but Joining a company like "UNIQUE"was always her dream, and guess what.....

"Your name is Unique? Seem you were meant to join the show. She smiled wasn't she just lucky.

Garrett turn to reach out to the model who was playing gig for the last minutes show, as he proceeded forward about to tap her.

"Sir Garrett" he heard a call from behind him he turn swiftly to the source. The event is starting your presence is needed in the show room". The man in charge of the technician crew said.

"Will be down go on ahead" Garrett told the man who nodded and walked away.

Garrett turn to see the model gone he look around the room suddenly losing interest and decided to make his way out.


Unique smiled at the mirror seeing the makeover she had done in no time, the makeup team were in such rush they had to fit her in quickly as the president was not one to mess with, he would see every little details if anything goes wrong.

"Come on now fall in line the director said, Unique was quick to fall in line.

It was a event launching the newest designs of "UNIQUE FASHIONS" and most of the clothes were that of pants and tops which was gorgeously done, every details were outlined beautifully embroidered in rare designs.

Unique had on a black pant and a black crop which showcase her flat packs, her style was simple but yet eye catching it was a homogeneous genderless features which makes both gender attracted to you.

Right from little she had always admire the design of Unique Fashion, she once read that Unique was once the name of the previous owner who died at a young age due to immune failure ever since the company name was changed to honor her death as she was one to remember.

Why does she feel a connection to the place, was it because she also bares same name as the previous owner.

"Unique! What are you thinking run along now you are about to walk in" Mr Armen said and Unique nodded.


Garrett stood amongst the guest present, numbers of well recognized people along with a very honored person present.

"Havana Silver, she is well know in both realm as a powerful female alpha and a well established tycoon accompanying her was her mate Silver Djokovic a brutal Alpha whose life was a mystery since day one but in the human realm he is a warm celebrity who is loved by thousands.

"Thanks for gracing us with your presence" Garrett said honoring his guests , Ava smiled and shook her head.

"It a pleasure to be here Garrett" Ava said.

"Your company work are always exquisite, hope I will be impressed by todays performance and maybe I will consider a deal for my next concert" Silver told him and Garrett nodded.

"You would consider it immediately you see our designs" Garrett said assuring him and they all laughed.

Silver excuse him self and walk away with his mate.

"Garrett!" A giddy up voice resounded from behind him, Garrett turn to see Ambrosia approaching him with Nolan.

"Congratulations on your global launching hope it becomes a success" Ambrosia said to him.

"It will be" came Garrett Narcissist reply.

"So full of your self like always, seeing as this place is filled up with important people I know you wouldn't want to mess things up." Nolan said.

"Come on sugar, Garrett has it all under control " Ambrosia said to Nolan who nodded his nose turning red, Ambrosia mouthed a what to him noticing how he was becoming embarrassed, Ambrosia turn to see Garrett brow raised in total disgust.

"Can you keep your affairs back home, no need to showcase them here" Garrett told the two, Ambrosia gave him an innocent smile.

Everyone took their seat which was surrounding the aisle that was a little lifted up.

The lights in the audience turned off and the aisle sparkle with white light and music began playing.

Models began strolling in one after the other, showing their catwalks combined with the clothes they were showcasing, they came in with style and confidence turning for the audience to get a good look at the clothes.

Garrett made sure to take notes of every of their performance. It was finally about to end with just two people remaining to showcase their clothes, the first made his way in, taking his time to show the vibe and the comfort involved in wearing the clothe.

The last entered she catwalk forward her waist revealed to show the perfection of the clothes as she stroll forward lazily altering the style with her vibe.

Garrett turn too look at the last minute model seeing as everyone seemed interested in her style, as he was about getting a view of her face he was tap from behind by someone in the audience who was apart of his launching team, they discuss some few details before Garrett turned to see the model walking away.

Garrett noticed the tense aura the two who was seated besides him were emanating.

Garrett nudge Ambrosia who brush her hair back looking at him.

He raise his head giving her sign asking what the matter was. Ambrosia shook her head giving Garrett a small smile.

Applaud went around as the light in the audience came back on, a projector was displaying images of the available designs.

Garrett was invited on stage to give a speech.


The backstage was noisy as the models were busy taking off their makeover, the clothes wore were gifted to them and everyone smiled happily being the one to have the first design.

As Unique turn to change her clothe her name was called among the crowds of people.

"Unique!!" Unique turn to see a silver head female rush up to her.

"Hey Mindy, how were you allowed backstage" Unique asked the silver head who was close to being her sister.

"That not important, come on let go I have to show you something" Mindy said pulling Unique.

"Um wait Mindy I..... I can't leave just yet, Mindy" Unique called the silly female who was like a cat one minute she was moody and uncaring and another she was hyped.

Garrett stood by the hallway receiving a call, he had his hand in his pocket, from behind him was two females who were running towards him, all of a sudden a crowd pulled them apart and the next seconds Unique was standing alone in the hallway with Mindy missing, Unique turn looking left and Right to find Mindy gone.


" Mindy?"

"This ain't funny you can't really bring me out to find my way back I told you I was busy.


Mindy was slammed against the wall although not hard it still made a sound. Mindy look up to see a familiar face staring at her with wide eyes.

Mindy let out a smile looking over at the male who stood behind Ambrosia.

"I Know you" Ambrosia said to Mindy and Mindy smiled again replying she dramatically made a surprised face.

"You do? That a surprise" Mindy move away from the wall and took a seat on the closest wooden chair crossing her leg.

"Tell me who am I" the silver head girl said looking at Ambrosia with intense look.


"Mindy? Am leaving find me in the backstage, you can't just mess around." Unique said going backwards looking left and right to see if Mindy was going to come out of where ever she was hiding.

She collided with someone from behind, she turned to see who it was while apologizing.

"Am sorry, sorry wasn't watching" Unique said turning.

Garrett turn to see who had just boom into him, as he turned he was met with the shook of his life, he went numb immediately looking at woman who stood Infront of him.

Her familiar eyes staring at him, her thin lean figure looking up at him apologizing, her usual dark hair same , he could swear he perceive his favourite smell of morning after a rainy night.