To church

Ethan's mom was so happy to see her child that she sing and dance around thanking God for saving his life, in fact she took her bag not forgetting her portable Bible before rushing to the local church to give thanks to God. It was a very big miracle for her to see her child safe and sound.

Before leaving she makes sure to tell Ethan not to leave his phone in the house if he's to go out again, adding prayer to it.

Life without God is like life without a purpose, you can think whatever you want but it's all your thoughts. Ever heard of a monkey turning into a human being in this era? But great things are happening that are pointing to a greater mind; which of course is God and no one else.

"Colossians 2:8 KJV: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ..." the pastor quoted before ending the sermon.

Lestina walked to the altar putting down the flowers she was holding. She said a silent prayer of Thanksgiving to God; thanking Him for everything He has done, was doing and will be doing in her life and children's.

She walk back to the long bench on the front and sat down. The church was not that big to talk about ; it's about 300 sq ft, housing 26 long benches, a pulpit and three chairs on the altar for the pastors. The long benches has foams on them to keep the people comfortable while sitting for long hours.

To Lestina nothing can compare to the great joy of feeling God's presence in her life.


Ethan went out to the living room just to see his mom's notes every telling him to pray and not to leave his phone behind if he's to leave the house. He smiled at his mother's genuine care for him, luckily mother's day is coming and he planned on throwing her a small surprise party to thank her.

After drinking a three glasses of water, he went back into his room and chat Ellie.

He even forgot about the small parcel he was bringing home to his mom, where did he put it?