An spy

Aizis:raizel became strongest because of his god's power absorbing ability.

Raizel:i killed countless gods and absorbed them but still a lot of them are left.

Marco:and they are causing trouble now?

Raizel:yeah.I think i can't take a rest damn.

Aizis:you didn.t became the supreme ruler to take rest.

Raizel:doesn't mean i will always have to be in battle field.

Aizis:let's end the war quackly.

Raizel:hmm yeah.

Marco:hey raizel,how long do you think it will take for our awakening?

Raizel:i don't have any idea when will it happen so i would say it can happen anytime.

Marco:what kind of power do you think i will get?

Raizel:normal demons get power from the servant of absolute creator,they gave normal demons power to save their own race.If you get this power from them then you will get a power calls 'Spiritual non existed body',it's an ability which turn the user into a non existed being plus gave deadly strength,speed and many more powers.

Marco:sounds dangerous,how strong are the servant of absolute creator?

Raizel:if you get more powerful than me with that power then imagine how strong they are?A single one of them can destroy all the supreme rulers and gods.Aizis:everyone is superior and inferior in their own way so there are nothing for us to do.

Raizel:my dream to get the place where i don't have to obey a for the absolute god so why don't the absolute god stop them?

Aizis:i have no idea about that but a servant come to me and tell me everything.

Raizel:a er and get a higher position soon.

Maria:i don't have any interest on that,my goal is to get a world where no one will in any incident.

Raizel:oh nice goal,it's spiritual words so i don't understand.

Maria:damn,don't make fun of me.

Raizel:i ain't doing that hehe.

Marco:why does they exist and what is their job?

Raizel:well,supreme rulers exist to rule over the realm of supreme ruler,gods exist to control the natural elemants and the servant exist to maintain everything in creation.Gods has control over a selected elemants but supreme rulers can control the story of the realm.Servant also exist to punish supreme rulers.(Smiling) being a supreme ruler doesn't mean you are the strong but the weakest though.

Maria:have you ever meet any servant?

Raizel:no chance cause they exist in the realm of absolute god.This is the reason why i went there but end up dieing.Aizis:i forget damn.

Raizel:can you recognize his face?


Raizel:ok we have to back now then.


Raizel drew a magic circle and they disappear....

They appear in front of the academy....

Raizel:i don't see any job there to do since the academy is off.

Aizis:we have to find him then.

Raizel:we need maria's help now.

Aizis:oh yeah.

Raizel pull in his cell phone....

Raizel call to maria's phone....

Raizel:hey maria,where are you?


Raizel:come to the academy.


Maria appear in front of them....

Raizel:help us to do our job.


Aizis:you have to find a man's location.

Maria:who's that?

Aizis:i put a man's face in your brain.Find him.

Maria:oh this guy?He is in now 5 mile from here.I put the location.

Raizel:ok thanks.

Raizel drew a magic and they disappear....

They appear in front of a cave....

Someone come out from the cave....

Raizel:so that was you?Introduce yourself.

Sai:it's Sai Reico.Good job finding out about me.

Aizis:we lived that long for a reason.

Sai:doing nothing to me.I will end you two here.

Sai transform into a form with black armoured and his eye turned black....

Raizel:go back aizis.
