Demon king

Raizel:those things are too strong thanks to the stone of endless energy.those pains grant them a terrible amount of strong was that demon king?

Elesia:i can.t tell for sure since i didn.t able to enter into my world but I can guess he can go on far with the destruction God.

Raizel:destruction God?haha,seems like the perfect time.


Raizel:anything,you all should go back to home,i'll leave too.Elesia will stay with maria.


Raizel teleported them.

Aizis:what are you thinking now?

Raizel:have to clear those damn demon kings otherwise I cannot handle two threat at once.

Aizis:hm got it

Raizel:good i.m leaving.

Raizel vanished.



Aizis:i know raizel will soon reach his dream and goal if he keep going like that.

Marco:sure he will since he doesn.t have any bad intense.

Aizis:anyways,going to home now.

Both drew a magic circle and vanished.

Someone appears right after they vanished.His body and face was hidden into a dark shadow.

Him:so it's the one is that he mentioned(smiling).

He vanished.

Next day morning.

In the academy.

Raizel:shall i do my job today,elesia?

Elesia:any time you want.

Raizel:why don't you fight him on your own since you are stronger?

Elesia:as you know that i usually don't show my mana anywhere so that others won't going to afraid of me and that's why i sealed my mana in a mana crystal but when he go back to my world,he took the mana crystal as well.

Raizel:hmm ok leave it to me.

In the afternoon.

They all are standing in front of the academy.

Marco:where the hell that world exist?

Raizel:i haven't told you?It exist in the middle of supreme ruler realms and the holy world,others gods has their own world as well there.

Marco:my brain is out of control after thinking about how big the whole creation is.

Aizis:haha then don't think about that.

Raizel:anyways we are going now.

Raizel drew a magic circle to teleport and vanished.

They appears into the top of a large mountain.

Raizel:you have got some excellent creation magic though.



Raizel:well,where's the castle is?

Elesia:i teleporting there.

Raizel:wait wait wait,don't hurry up.What kind of magic does he use?

Elesia:he has some blue dragon type transformation as i heared from a spy of mine.

Raizel:means he has a higher level physical attribute.


Raizel:demon king means he has many subordinates so Aizis,marco and maria will take care of them, i and elesia will head to the castle.

Aizis,marco and maria:got it.

They vanished.

Raizel:Now time for us.

Elesia drew a magic circle.

They teleported.

They appears in front of a castle's gate.

Raizel:full castle made of diamond?He is pretty rich heh.

Elesia:whatever,you are richer i guess.

Raizel:nah,that's not true.

Elesia:well,we shoule enter.

A large amount flames fall from up.

Raizel and elesia jump away.

Raizel:he sensed our presence?Pretty keen sense.

Raizel(loudly):good job and now come out from that expensive thing.

Someone(while coming out from the castle):thanks for appraciating my castle,so you are edward raizel right?

Raizel:maybe i am.Who are mr rich?

Nezlia:i'm nezlia but why are saying 'maybe'?

Raizel:cause i can change myself at anytime.

Nezlia:like a traitor?

Raizel:for peoples like you,i can be a traitor.

Nezlia:so why don't you join us the demon kings?We will gave you a high position and we together will kill the gods and supreme rulers.

Raizel:you are asking a supreme ruler to join you so that you can take down the supreme rulers?How ridiculous.

Nezlia:if you want,we can join force with supreme rulers.