Battle with the king of gods

Raizel:let.s get serious.

Raizel transform into a armoured knight as well as Arnes.they severally clashes again.their battler goes for some minute.

Raizel:your time to go to hell has come.

Arnes:give it a try then.


Raizel and arnes draw a magic circle and use 'touch of destruction'.they severally clash with the touch of destruction.

Raizel:it.s time to end this.

Both gather all of their mana in their hand use touch of destruction with maximum force....

Few second later.arnes's body fall in the ground of holy world....

Raizel floating above there....

Raizel:i want to ask you something.will you answar me?

Arnes:what is it?

Raizel:why did you destroyed the supreme ruler realms?

Arnes:you want to know?

Raizel:yeah answar me.

Arnes:gods and supreme rulers became arrogant and ruthless because of their rulers over the creation.they cause countless war in the past and present to level up their whole family was killed in a war like that.i became the king of gods to control the gods and destroy the supreme rulers but later i decided to destroy the supreme ruler realms because if the creation doesn.t exist then no war will happen.

Raizel:destruction can.t solve anything.

Arnes:yeah,i once used to believe that but i no longer believe that.

Arnes:will you do a favor for me?


Arnes:stop any war that would going to happen any time.

Raizel:i will do my best.


Arnes's heart stop breathing....

Raizel drew a magic circle and disappear....

Raizel appear in the hidden universe where others are.

Aizis:you are finally here.

Raizel:yes i am.

Marco:he really destroyed the supreme ruler realms but what happen then?

Raizel:i recreated all of them at once.

Marco:i thought that too.

Raizel:i fight the first person in my life good ambition but you choose the wrong way,i wish i could save you but i'm sorry that i can't.

Raizel:oh,i have to recreate others realms as well.

Raizel use his magic ball and everything turn back to it's orginal form....

Raizel vanished from the hidden universe....

Few days later....

In the academy....

Aizis:i really worried when he destroyed the realms.

Raizel:hmm but don't worry till i'm around.



Marco:gods are stronger than i imagined.

Elesia:feels so bad for them but still they deserve the punishment.

Raizel:i was thinking about taking a rest but i don.t think i can do it now.