
Narrator:my lord,he is here.

Absolute god:hm,good.As always,he surprised me.Come to think,he made this far.It's time to end this eyesore.

Narrator:as you wish.

He vanished from there.

Raizel was walking around in the castle in order to find it.The narrator appears there.

Narrator:do you think you can be invisible to everyone?What a joke.


Narrator(rising his hand):i shall show you the true salvation that it awaiting for you.

Suddenly nezlia appear there and swing s huge longsword toward the narrator.The narrator easily manage to dodge it and cast a spell on raizel.A dark black shadow appears and took raizel behind their eyes.

Raizel lost his sense and layed in the ground.

Nezlia:dammit,it's over.

Nezlia vanished.

Narrator(smiling):find your trueself,Edward Raizel.

Few hours later.Raizel finds himself to be layed in a field.He barely has some sense.The headache still giving him pain.

Raizel:where i am?

Suddenly,All that happened start popping into his head.

Raizel:oh.I remembered everything,My body complety paralized when i tried to attack him.Nezlia came but nothing changed.I lost my sense right after.

Raizel:where i am?I can't find of any of their presence.Is it out of creation?I think it's in another diamond fragment,Yeah it is otherwise i should be able to sense their presence.

A voice:complete the mission.

Raizel:what?Who's talking?

A voice:i'm your asistant,i'm here to help you out in the game.

Raizel:who the hell ask you to asist me?Go to hell.

Asistant:Mr. Raizel,you have joined a game.

Raizel:a game?What kind of game is this?

Asistant:a game of do or die.Don't you like it?

Raizel:why do i have to like it?Just bring me back to my creation.

Asistant:if you win the game then you can go back.

Raizel:what's the reward of the game?

Asistant:you want to know?

Raizel:why not?

Asistant:then wait till the game end.

Raizel:How boring,What i suppose to do now?

Asistant:the game will last 10 day.You have to gain xp and stay in the top till the game ends.You can gain xp by defeating your fellow players.

Raizel:are other players demon as well?

Asistant:they are not same as you.

Raizel:whatever,sounds fun so let's do it.

Asistant:go ahead and find your opponent.


Raizel start walking.

Few minute later.

Raizel:isn't there anyone?

Someone:here i am,I'm here to have some fun with this newcomer.

Raizel:what a joke.

Raizel drew a magic circle and cast a storm of lava.

That player turn into ashes in a matter of moment.


Asistant:Good job,you obtained five point by finishing him.

Raizel:so i will get the point of my opponent?

Asistant:that's right.

Raizel:well,then i have to find a strong opponent.After all,i'm interested to have some fun here.

A large dragon appears in front of him with a middle aged guy in it's back.

Raizel:Another piece of shit.Let's go.

Raizel jump toward the dragon and try to stab it's chest.However,The dragon's scales are too hard for him.

Dragon shake his body and blown him away.

Raizel:it seems like this the lizards scales too hard for my dear daggers.

The dragon released a huge storm of flames by his breath.

Raizel blocked it with bare hands.

Raizel tried to smash the dragon in the floor but it easily manage to blow away raizel with it's left hand.

Raizel:it's raw power too much for me.How in the world a mere dragon can give me that much trouble?

Raizel drew multiple magic circles surrounding the dragon and cast a large storm of lightning.

The dragon completely tanked it like nothing.

Raizel:what the hell is this?Is it want me to go all out?

The summoner:you can never harm or damage it.

Raizel:you sure?I'm just wasting my time,'Erase'

That dragon completely vanished into a shadow.

Summoner:what the hell is happening?

Raizel(stabbing him with his dagger):go to hell and ask someone else.

Raizel:that dragon was strong because of it.s scales and maybe around the god of destruction's level.whatever,i just have to win the matter what.

Asistant:you obtain 12 points and currently you own 17 points.

Raizel summon a dragon and raid in it.s back.That dragon create a ear spliting roar and start flying toward the west with a n incredible speed.

Raizel:nice speed,let.s go and find a strong opponent.