Ending of Game

The 1st:go for it.

The 1st drew a magic circle and her whole body surrounded with red magical power.The magic power was increasing her mana to a great level.

She summon a dagger along with her mana enhancement.

Raizel:Here it come,another short knife user.

The girl flew toward raizel while holding the dark red dagger.She clashes with raizel with in extreme level force.

A huge explosion appears to be happened which shocked whole world.

Raizel:seems like another worthy opponent is here.I guess my coming to this world wasn't so bad at all.

The 1st:worthy opponent?More likely the one who bring your death.

Raizel:How unfortunate lady,i'm just not interested to die by your hand.It's going to be a shame for me.

The 1st:i show you whatever you do or not.

Raizel:show me then.

They there for multi times.Every single clashes create shock wave.

The 1st:seems like i can't hold back any longer.

Raizel:so you were holding back?So lame.Then Show me what your capable of.

The first drew a huge magic circle which covered whole realm>A dark shadow appears in the ground and taking her inside the shadow.After seconds,she appears with a dark-red knight armor.

Raizel:you don.t look so good with that knight armor.

The 1st:same goes to you.

Raizel:whatever,let.s just end this.

Raizel fly toward the her.His speed was too much for her to react.

The 1st(in mind):so fast!

Raizel kicked her head and blown her away several hundred meter away.

Raizel drew a magic circle and use flames of destruction in order to finish her in one go but before that he girl create a light green barrier and blocked it.Due to being an anti magical barrier,the barrier easily able tank the effect of the flames of destruction.

Raizel appears and kicked her from the behind and send her flying.

Raizel drew a magic circle and cast lightning magic toward the blown girl.

The girl destroyed it and send a flying slash toward raizel but the slash failed to reach raizel.

The 1st[burst into surprise]:what!?

Raizel:it will never be able to reach me,no matter how powerful your attack is.

The 1st:why?

Raizel:'The Eraser' which erase literally everything including concept,reason and any other physical and non physical object or person.

The 1st:i just will destroy you and it's my goal so it doesn't matter how unique ability you own.

Raizel:go for it.I want to see your limit.

Asistant[suddenly]:the game will end in 2 minute.

Raizel:2 minute?No way.I have to end this.

Raizel released a huge slash toward the girl from his sword.

She dodge it but her hand blown away.

She tried to heal her hand but the healing magic failed to heal her hand.

The 1st(in mind):what the hell happening?

Raizel:my sword prevent others from using any kind of magic spell.

The 1st:what kind of nightmare is this?

Asistant:the game will end in 10 second.


Raizel flew toward her and tries to cut her chest but she stopped him with her own sword.

Raizel:i don't have time to waste.

Asistant:the game will be ending in 3 second.

Raizel use extreme level force and cut her and her sword.

Asistant:you acquire 11506 point.You rank have increased to the first.

Raizel:damn,i would have been finished if it take a second more.

Asistant:you have won the game.

Raizel:haah!It's finally finished.Now then,i want you reveal my reward to me,Will you?

All of sudden,a red box appears in front of raizel.Raizel opens the box and finds a stone.It's the diamond stone.

Raizel:what?Isn't it the diamond stone?

Asistant:it's the diamond stone,it's that what provides you endless mana.

Raizel:hmm,so you are aware of that i went there to obtain the stone.well,Now it's time to tell me who you are?

Asistant:you want to know?Then know that i'm the one should be,i'm the begaining,i'm the ending,i'm the root of all thing of my story,i'm zero also i'm one.I can be nothing also i can be everything.i'm just you.

Raizel:well,every writer is the core and root of their story so you are but you are me?How?

Asistant:you are me and i'm you cause we exist from the same root.

Raizel:same root?Where's my root?tell me.

Asistant:the world of endless darkness,the darkness doesn't have any ending,you can never find the ending of the world of endless darkness.We came from the darkness,i'm the chief narrator and the king of the world of endless Darkness.We share same root.We are different in no way.

Raizel:so we share same personality as well?

Asistant:no,our personality completely different.

Raizel:what do you want from me?

Asistant:i want you,i want to go back to the world of dead,the world of endless darkness and i want you to take care of my powers and job.

Raizel:what kind of job is it?and why do you want me to do it?

Asistant:you have to end the war between the servants and narrators that doesn't seems to have an ending.You have to kill the absolute god.

Raizel:how i will kill the one who stand above everything?

Asistant:haha,you think the absolute god is the strongest?remember a word,no one exist in the world without ending.