
Marco:good ambition with a brain of child.

Raizel:everyone should remember a word that,no matter how hard you tries but in the end you will fail if you don't have enough intelligence.

Elesia:on the other hand,talent is useless without hardwork as well.

Raizel:i would say that,we need both to success.

Maria:woah,you guys start talking like an old man.

Aizis:we are so do.

Marco:nah,we all are students.

Raizel:i don't even know why i'm still a student but still i really enjoying this life.Unlike my previous life,i have my family,friends and happy at all.

Aizis:our previous was basically chaos.

Raizel:my goal is to find out what's above everything,i want see what's above the sky,space,universe,multiverses,dimensions,space box,ice fragments,the diamond fragments and the absolute god's realm.

Maria:you mean the absolute god's realm isn't the ending?

Raizel:it's just my imagination but i felt like that there are something even above the absolute god's realm.The reason of that because there are another world exist in the same layer of the absolute god's realm known as the world of endless darkness.something exist in similar layer that means there are something above it which comparable to nothing.

Aizis:however,most of the higher being believe that the absolute god is the highest authority.Raizel got a good logic so we should find that out.

Elesia:even if there anything really above then it will be not be in the creation.

Raizel:creation ended in the absolute god's realm and the world of endless darkness but creator and writer of the creation and story definetly stand above the creation and story.

Elesia:on the other word,we are part of a story and the writer of the story stand above the story.

Raizel:that's right.

Maria:anyways,what are you planning to do now?

Raizel:i'm thinking about that.

Aizis:do as you please.

Raizel:there is somewhere i want to go.

Maria:i think you are tired and want to go on a vacation hehe.

Raizel:nah,that's not like that.

Aizis:go where you want.


At night....

Raizel's home....

Raizel(in mind):i have to get the powers of the king of ending.That guy says his powers sealed in world of endless darkness.That sucks!

Next day morning....

Raizel,aizis,maria,marco and elesia in the academy....

Aizis:all the rulers know about raizel but the magic emperor's don't know about raizel.It's really a shame.

Raizel:if i want,they can know about me but i don't.

Maria:why not?

Raizel:as i say,i like this type of life than a life where everyone is afraid of me and there are no one who dare to tell me my mistakes.If i declare myself as the supreme ruler then would i be able to friendly with you guys?Power and authority can't make some happy but love can.I wanna create a world where everyone stand with his right and no one would afraid of other.If power can make one happy then the world would turn into hell already cause everybody would want to get more and more power and authority.There is a single higher being who is happy in his life and has no complain.But see there are many demon family who live in a cave but still happy all along.

Aizis:on the other words,if you want to happy then just live a simple life.


Marco:nevermind but still i believe that money makes peoples happy.

Raizel:a rich kid like you would say that.

Marco:nah it's for real.


Elesia:you guys are always chill.

Raizel:it's their boyhood so it's necessary.

Elesia:what about you?

Raizel:it's maybe my oldhood or something.

Maria:old man hehe.

Raizel:don't call me that.

Maria:old man raizel.

Raizel:not again.I warn you.

Maria:old man old man,haha.

Raizel:damn kid.