Sky world

At the afternoon,

In the supreme ruler's realm.Raizel seaten in the throne.

Raizel(in mind):unlike the last time,i didn't took my army since they are weak to face those gods,neither me is strong enough to face any of them.Even the weakest one stronger than me though elesia says i'm stronger but they doesn't live in the same layer as the supreme ruler's realm for nothing plus i already checked their powers and i'm pretty sure that i will get creamed by them easily.I got the powers of the darkness king still i can't use all of his powers since it's too much for my.My body will take a time to measure it.It has the same size as the highest floor of the world of endless darkness.It's also known as the land of gods and the land of superiors.I get these informations from the council.

Aizis:they really stored a lot of books full of information.

Raizel:anyways.Hey elesia,you have to join me.


Raizel:you don't know?

Elesia:Oh i forget about that plan damn.

Raizel:woah.It's enough that you remembered that shit now.Well,as planned i will go there first.

Aizis:what's the plan?Tell us.

Raizel:top secret my boy.

Aizis:ok got it.

Raizel:then you can leave the rest to me and elesia.

Aizis:heh ok.

I can't wait till then since the gods can emerge any time and cause huge problem so i can't wait and watch even if it means my death.

Raizel:i think it's time to go.

Raizel drew a magic circle and disappear....

Raizel appear in the sky world....

Raizel:is it the sky world?Most likely.

Sky world-:sky world is the world exist in the same layer as the absolute god's realm,meresian and the endless darkness world.

Sky world known as the world of disaster and the world of gods.Once anyone enter in the sky world,he can't come back alive since it's owned by the gods.The gods doesn't think that others allowed to enter in the sky world.When someone enter there,gods killed them instantly.Sky world stated to be as big as the biggest layer of the darkness world.In term of size,endless darkness world is the biggest,2nd sky world,3rd absolute god's realm and 4th is meresian.

Raizel:it's empty and silent here.i heard only 5 chief gods live here so it's necessary to be empty around.Thanks to my perception,i can sense a god's presence,they have quite a presence.I should head to the way.

Raizel drew a magic circle and vanished....

Raizel appear in a large hill....

Raizel:hm,i thought someone was here but there's nobody here.

Raizel suddenly felt a huge mana wave from his back.It was the god of creation baren.

Raizel:i wasn't wrong,so it was you.Who are you?

Baren:the god of creation,one of chief god.And who are you?

Raizel:a supreme ruler or i say the new king of darkness.

Baren:oh,i heard that the king of darkness has passed away.So you are his successor.

Raizel:more likely his younger brother.We share same soul but since he exist before me so i consider him as my elder brother.

Baren:even if you are,you still can't use his every powers.So why are you here?

Raizel:i'm here to put a final ending of gods threat.

Baren:threat?I think you are talking about the holy world war?

Raizel:right,you guys are all knowing so i don't think i have to tell you anything.

Baren:of course we all know everything and we already decided what to do.

Raizel:yap,if you guys want then i will drag into war and if you want then we can have a negotion.

Baren:we want peace.

Raizel:then why did you send an spy to my world.

Baren:what do you mean?

Raizel:don't be surprised,you send a god's successor to my world.

Baren:you find out that already?Then i think we can't have a negotion.

Raizel:that's how i drag out my opponent's true nature.