Beginning of a great war

On the other hand,in the absolute god's realm they already manage to learn about raizel's existance.So they prepared to defend themself from raizel's attack.An war between between 2 supreme authority is about to start however in the hell,the king of hell is about to emerge in the war but he stopped by the king of heaven cause the king of heaven told him that 'it should be selected who is going to lead the creation'.It's an war between real and fake,it's an war between truth and false.Does truth always won and false lose?Can they win?It's sure that raizel's army is weaker than the absolute god's so can they find a way to win the war?

At night in the castle of zeldia....

Raizel:gotta win the war,ya all agree right?


Raizel drew a huge magic circle and disappear....

They appear in the realm of absolute god....

Raizel:hmm,were going to teleport to the main palace.

Aizis:what about these servants and narrators?

Raizel:i take care of them.All the servants and narrators 'Erase'.

Raizel:hmm done.We should move now.


Raizel and others teleport to the main castle and suddenly a large cain sealed them all....

Someone:welcome to the realm of absolute god,nice to meet you all.

Raizel:it's been a while,Arfanez.

Arfanez:not arfanez,it's lord or i say the absolute god.

Raizel:no way that i put a traitor like you on a higher position.

Arfanez:please don't call me a traitor.

Raizel:so what should i call you?My lord or something?

Arfanez:yeah you can call me that.After all i'm the absolute god.So you are here to get back your position?What will you do with this position?Is there a reason for that?It's meaningless to stay as a high ranked position.You rather go back and stay with your new friends and family.I will leave you in peace.As my former lord,i can give you a chance.

Raizel:i already settle a normal life i have to wipe out you for the creation's good.

Arfanez:i'm the ruler of the creation so i will do whatever i want to the creation and no one can stop me.

Raizel:you are well aware of that you have the same power as mine so how can you so sure that you can defeat me?

Arfanez:as a god,i grant my order everywhere so i'm going to get upper hand plus i'm smarter than you dumbass.

Raizel:declaring himself smarter show us how dumb you are.

Arfanez:i'm just telling the facts.

Raizel:you still have times to leave from the realm.I will spare your life if you leave the realm.

Arfanez:did you forget that you are sealed?


It was raizel's real body.Raizel's body which was sealed is melted into water in a matter of second.

Arfanez:nice,you are as tricky as always.

Raizel:actually i have no intense of using tricks on a fool like you.

Arfanez:more likely you don't have the trick to apply.

Raizel:now then tell me another excuse to avoid the war?

Arfanez:actually i want to save you.

Raizel:what a joke.

Arfanez:you think?

Raizel:i don't expect something like this from a traitor like you.

Arfanez:what was the point for me to stay as your subordinate?

Raizel:so what is the point of your becaming the absolute god?you worth it?

Arfanez:it's not matter whatever i'm worth it or not but since i manage to get it then leave me alone or let's just finish this already.

Raizel:sure,we just can finish this already.

Arfanez:come out,my dear narrators.

Raizel:guys,time to handle them.

Helestia:leave it to us.


Helestia:it's time for your regret arfanez.

Arfanez:let's see.

Raizel:very well,let's do it.


Both drew magic circles and use flames of destruction.Raizel jump away and use ice was stated that these arrows can destroy the deepest layer of the world of endless darkness.arfanez dodge it and use fire arrows on raizel.Raizel dodge it and use touch of destruction.Arfanez use touch of destruction as well.touch of destruction with full potential capable of destroying whole world of endless darkness.the abyss of world of endless darkness can't be founed so if anyone want to destroy it then he only able to destroy the deepest layer but nothing else deeper.

The existance of abyss of the world of endless darkness is unknown.According to raizel,he created the world of endless darkness with infinite layer but he has no idea about the abyss of the world.The abyss is known as non-existed but there is a doubt if it non-existed or not.

However raizel own a soul which created with the shield of whole creation including the non-founded abyss.So it's easy to figure out that the weapon created by raizel capable of destroying the abyss as well.

Yes,arfanez use the weapon call Nurk which destroy the abyss itself as well as whole creation.Raizel summon a weapon as well.

A weapon known as Alish which can destroy literally anything,even non existing being,concept and principle doesn't matter to it.

They clash with their weapon.

In a field of the absolute god's realm where Aizis fighting the 1st division narrator Nezsia

Nezsia:it's my first time seeing someone with the power of both ending and death.

Aizis:cause for me,death and ending has no difference.I'm the one who will put an ending of you.

Nezsia:i'm gratefully accept your threat.

Aizis(drew a magic circle and use fire magic):then die.

In holy world of a diamond fragment.Marco and maria fighting the 2nd and 3rd division narrators arth and mercurcy.

Arth:as,second division narrator and the king of Dragon so you to shouldn't underestimate me.

Marco:it will give us much more fun.

Mercurcy:we will see who's having fun.

Maria:sure,as the goddess of creation my job is to create something but for now I'm going to destroy you two.

Marco:you lowly narrators should die.destruction art 4th stage flames of destruction.

in the sky world,helestia and elesia fighting the right and left hand man of arfanez.shirou and yorubis serving arfanez as right and left hand man.

Yoru:as the left hand man of absolute god,I'm gonna destroy you.

Helestia:best wish for your dream.What do you say elesia?

Elesia:it's not a sin of dreaming for own happiness.

Yoru:it's time to figure out who's dreaming.

Elesia:right,ice of creation.

Elesia drew a magic circle and use ice of creation which allow the user to froze everything in sight....

In the castle of absolute god....

Raizel and arfanez clashes severally....

Raizel:equal battle capability give me a lot fun.

Arfanez:hmm,you are having fun by doing bad things.

Raizel:i see,so i can say you are having fun by doing good things?What a waste.

Arfanez:hahahahaha,i think you spliting your anger on me.

Raizel:yeah but i know it's kinda crazy of being angry on a fool like you.

Arfanez:then die in hand of fool.

Raizel:not again.

Raizel clash with arfanez again....

Arfanez send raizel flying away....

Raizel(in mind):he is better than me in physical strength but he is slower so i have to break his balance.

Arfanez:you are weak on raw power.

Raizel jump toward him and kicked him away....

Raizel:maybe but it's not like that i'm weaker than you.

Arfanez:enough holding back around.Time to get serious.

Raizel:yeah it's the time to get serious.Maria!

Maria(via thoughts):yes?

Raizel(via thoughts):you have to do something.

Maria(via thoughts):what i can do?

Raizel(via thoughts):you have to create several more creation like this one.

Maria(via thoughts):leave it to me.

Maria:creation type 8:endless world.

Maria create several thousand of creation.

Maria(via thoughts):done.

Raizel(via thoughts):thanks.

Maria(via thoughts):don't mention it,actually there is no limit how much creation i can create with this magic.

Raizel(via thoughts):good,you surpassed me in creation magic.

Maria(via thoughts):focus on your battle.

Raizel(via thoughts):haha right.

Raizel:well then.Hey arfanez!Our goddess creation create some worlds or i say creations for our battle.Let's head there.

Arfanez:so kind to own creation huh?Why not,let's go.

Both drew their magic circle and appear in another creation....

Raizel:it's time to get serious in the battle.

drew magic circles and use flames of hell.Flames of hell is a destructive spell which is capable of burning anything,Even it can burn down creations easily.It's known as one of the most destructive magic spell.

Arfanez use flames of hell too.It cause a great explosion.

Raizel(in mind):its giving fun now.