
Marco:we can beat them but it wouldn't go as easily as those two we fought.

Maria recreate the universe in an instant.

Elesia:good job maria.

Shirou:it's time to cut you off,goddess of creation.

Shirou fly toward maria.

Elesia(kicking shirou away):you are currently fighting me,the goddess of miracle.

Marco:i think you should create some more creation,with my magic eyes i can see that raizel and arfanez destroyed all the creations you created last time.

Maria:damn,give me a rest.Creation order type 8:endless worlds.

Raizel(via thoughts):oh thanks maria.

Maria(via thoughts):don't mention it and end this.

Raizel(via thoughts):nevermind and keep watching our battle.

Shirou use a large mana storm on elesia but elesia create her miracle order and made her uneffected.

Elesia:those lowly attack is useless to me.

On the other side of the sky world,yoru create a huge storm of lightning and send it to helestia,helestia cut it down.

Yoru:you cut lightning?

Helestia:there is nothing exist i can't cut.Come to think,lightning

Is a element which created from something that i can cut.A things has several forms so i cut it in it's that form which i can cut so at the end,i can cut anything cause everything has a form of zero.

Yoru:interesting!is it your weapon's ability?

Helestia:don't worry is not my weapon's ability so your plan of stealing it is useless.

Yoru:then I just will kill you and take your ability.

Helestia:two of your friends are done and now it's your time to go.

Yoru:they are not my friends and your dream won.t became true.

Helestia:is that so?go for it.

Helestia use flames of destruction....

Helestia(in mind):is he giving his all?maybe he does but Yet to get advantage over me.I should get a bit serious.ending of existance:ice of freezing eraser.

Yoru:body completely frozen instantly....

Helestia:hmm,he's done.

On the other side of sky world.Elesia clash with shirou one more time.They severally clash with each others.Elesia use multification magic that turn a slash into several thousand slash.Shirou use protection magic that create a huge wall between the user and opponent.Elesia sneak behind shirou and cut his back,shirou jump away and heal his wound but elesia stab him just after shirou heal his wound.Elesia smashed his body to the ground.


Shirou:never thought that you be that faster.I'm a absolute god's realm inhabitants but still didn't able to keep up.

Elesia:as a absolute god's realm inhabitants you should be faster than me since absolute god's realm has the slowest time flowing system or i say has no time flowing system.When it's several years in universe then it's less than a second in holy world or supreme ruler's realm.However absolute god's realm's time so slow that it became almost 0 and almost stop flowing time.That's why it's only a month in absolute god's when so much time passed in supreme ruler's realm that it's not even measurable.You maybe a higher being but miracle change anything.I simple create a mircle and make myself much faster.

Shirou(smiling):no matter how strong i am,it doesn't matter when you own a power that change literally anything.

Elesia:miracle doesn't happen always so i'm not almighty.

Shirou:you find a way to win so you win.Good job.


Shirou's soul left his body.Helestia appear there just after that.

Helestia:you done?

Elesia:yeah for sure.Anyways,where are marco and maria?

Helestia:i think they are in outer space of this creation.Raizel and arfanez keep destroying creations and it seems they won't going to stop that early.Maria keep creating creations.

Elesia:it's troublesome,whatever,let's go there.

Elesia and helestia drew their magic circle and teleported to the absolute god's realm.On the other hand marco and maria flying in outer space.

Maria:hmm,seems like they are playing around for their own fun.

Marco:raizel is enjoying the battle,he doesn't giving his all.By the way,these fragments are creations right?(should be mentionable that a creation is a fragment of gold from outside and there was a lot of there in outer space)

Maria:yeah they are created by me.I created countless creations in my past life but those creation are far away from here so i have to create more creations for their battle.It's lucky that they are not fighting in outer space otherwise they would have destroyed several thousand of creations with every attack.They maybe bigger from inside but they are still mere fragments from outside.Even regular inhabitants can destroy them from there.

Marco:does all of these creations has the same structure as our creation?

Maria:yeah,i copied them.Just like our creation where worlds encompasses,these creation also has encompasses worlds like sky world,absolute god's realm,world of endless darkness and meresian.

Marco:on the other meaning,you just copied structure of the real one,I see.

Maria:do you see an interesting fact?


Maria:you are the ruler of destruction and i.m the ruler of creation that means we are opposite but after we meet raizel,we became friends and ally.

Marco:hmm,raizel is kind of person who will be friendly with you as long as you are ok but if you not then he will send you to out of existence without a second thought.

Maria:come to think I never so him being emotional or sadistic,he is like a machine with no life or soul.

Marco:he isn't,he is cold hearted person that makes him seems to be hard minded person.

Maria:that's because he was alone in his whole life,he never find a person who is stay by his side and tell him his mistakes.he became like that because of facing countless battle and brutality.

Marco:he is basically the physical being of outer space,there is no ending of outer space and there is no ending of raizel's life,haha sounds familiar.

Maria:beinf the ruler of creation but still Inferior to the owner of nothingness's in creation magic.

Marco:I thought he is only superior to destruction magic to me and now it seems he superior to your creation magic too.



Maria:when he reclaim his powers i saw with my magic eyes that his body was own the soul of only our creation's root but now the time of his battle with is team.

Raizel:it's pin drop silent around.No wonder only some few gods stay here.

Aizis:is the creation god here as well?

Raizel:don't know.

Elesia:i'mt's impossible to understand his movements.

Marco:It's not his true body but it's true physical body.His true body is the outer space nothingness space.That also means that he is using only his avatar body abilities and completely holding back.

Maria:hmm and it clearly seems that he enjoying the battle.

Marco:he isn't fighting but toying.If he one shot arfanez then it would be over easily but raizel want to show arfanez that equal doesn't mean he can win cause you need something else which much important than ability.Arfanez absorbed raizel's power but only of avatar one's not real one.He killed real body but arfanez's body isn't enough for that much power.Arfanez has no idea what kind of nightmare is waiting for him.What a dumbshit.When raizel told me that arfanez maybe able to defeat him i thought he was serious but now it seems he was joking around all the times.He really love trolling others.

maria:hahaha true,anways I am going to talk with him now.what the hell is he thinking?

Maria(via thoughts):hey raizel,aren't you going to stop?

Raizel:let me enjoy the battle a bit.

Maria:you are enjoying the battle or enjoying destruction?

Raizel:either of them or you can argue both.

Maria:end this or I am going to leave.

Raizel:calm down man.

Maria:I am a girl.you damned ruler.

Raizel:rulers can.t be cursed.

Maria:shut up and end this already or i will end you.

Raizel:got it.

Raizel clash with arfanez with his sword of eraser which basically everything including the nothingness itself,arfanez who was using the sword created by raizel was having upper hand in their battle.It was clearly in sight that raizel was holding back but it also seems that he is start to using more energy in his battle.Arfanez send multiple slashes to raizel,raizel dodge them and suddenly headed toward arfanez with crazy speed.Raizel directly attack arfanez's stomach with his sword,arfanez try to dodge but raizel's sword already create a wound in his body.Arfanez jump a bit away and fall in the ground.