Ruthless Lord

Marafel:never saw him in unsealed form cuz he always seal his true power in order to prevent harming the creations.He most likely weakened thanks to the seal that we used.even if he manage to unseal,He will take a bit time to be stable so it's our chance to finish him without much effort.He maybe isn't as strong as you in true form but closer to you,as now his true form is unstable so it time to kick him out of existance once and for eternity.

Rasaki:then rajis going out to take care of him.

Rajis:leave that crap to me.

Marafel:he's crap but be careful and don't be too reckless in your way or you will be dead ash.

Rajis:you don't have to tell marafel,i'm well aware of that.

Marafel:then you can do it man.

Rajis:i,the mad servant will tear his apart permanently.

In the deepest layer of afterline....

Raizel:haah,when the hell they will come?I'm tired of waiting.

Someone:you don't have to wait any longer.i'm here to end your waiting for eternity.

That was none other than rajis....

Raizel:who ending whom.

Rajis:i,rajis going to end you.

Raizel:i see,so you are that fool maria mention.You are here put an ending of your life.

Rajis:i'm here to put an ending of your life not mine.

Raizel:you are not qualified to kill me.

Rajis:it seems like I have to prove whatever I am or not.

Raizel:go for it.

Rajis:I have a question for you,why don't you have the Intense of becoming a higher entity?

Raizel:actually I like to knew it myself,you can defeat me then I will give you answer your question.

Rajis:then let me defeat you.

should be notable that Raizel already unsealed his power right after he get in to the afterline.

Rajis cast flames of destruction on raizel and he eraused it instantly.Raizel use Touch of destruction and blown away Rajis.Rajis completely Tanked the attack and try to kick raizel but raizel dodge it and punch in rajis's face.Rajis send flying away,raizel fly after him and grab his head to smashed it on to the ground.Rajis completely vanished from his hand and appear several meter away from raizel.It was short teleportation magic.

Raizel:not bad.

Raizel drew his magic circle and use white lightning magic.Rajis dodge it easily and try punch raizel's face.Raizel create a mini barrier between his head and rajis's hand.Rajis punch at the barrier and break it while raizel use mini teleportation to teleport several meter away.Just after raizel teleport,he launch a huge slash by his hand to rajis's head.Rajis get a mini cut in his hand but manage to dodge it.Rajis summon a longsword and cut the ground with a single slash(it was clearly seen that he was out was a magical spell that create a different and extremely crazy personality with a great killing intense.However the user can stop the spell at any time.Rajis severally attack raizel by his longsword with a great speed,raizel barely manage to dodge them but take some cut in ribs and shoulder.Raizel didn't find any other way and have to summon his sword nurk.Raizel clash with him several times.Rajis increased his speed with a huge margin so raizel unable to keep up with him.He take several cut in his whole body.

Rajis:no matter how fast you are,it doesn't matter to me.Not even omnipotent gods can't keep up with me in their own domain.There is no you can keep up with me.

Raizel:hmm,not really bad but how fast can you be?There is a limit how fast can you be.Show me your best.

Rajis:i showed you my best and it's overkill for you.

Raizel:hmm,you are overconfident it seems.Do you know that there is a person who has resistance over any kind of laws?

Rajis:there are pond of peoples who can resist laws except a single law.

Raizel:yeah and he can resist that law too.Yeah,it's me but don't you think resistance is too low level for me.I don't just resist them but manipulate them as well.I can be as fast i want simply by slowing time.You know that time reversed here by ten time so i just have to turn it even faster reversing in order to speed up myself.

Raizel drew a crazy huge magic circle over the sky.The speed of reversing getting too fast that it doesn't seems whatever it night or morning.

Raizel cut of rajis's head in a matter of nanosecond....

Rajis:aaah,what the hell is this?

Raizel:i just reversed it for a million times and you are done already?Let alone infinite time reverse,it seems like several thosand time reverse is extremely overkill for you.You maybe able to keep up with me barely if i had keep reverse speed at 20 time,sorry for the overkill.

Raizel again drew that magic circle and turn the time to regular system of the afterline....

Raizel:not a worthy opponent,it seems.

Raizel absorbed rajis's magical energy and rajis's body vanished from there....

Raizel:his combat power and skills telling me that he isn't the strongest subordinate of the hell lord.If there is more subordinate then that means there are more fun waiting.Anyways,I wonder how's others doing.They should be fine since all of them are enough strong to withstand against arfanez level entity easily plus i already cleared most of the threat of creation and outer space except the hell and heav..Wait,why is the heaven lord so quite considering the situation?Is there a trick or something.No,it's not unnecessary since the heaven lord always like that.whatever i never saw the heaven lord so what i care about so much?I have again wait for the next trop of the lord of heaven.This one didn't last an hour.Hell lord,i wanna see how much ahead you can get in term of wiping me.

Several days passed while raizel's staying in the afterline.He was tired of waiting yet not a single sight of demon or any other existance was because someone stole memory from everyone's mind.It's not a matter for raizel since he can resist any kind of laws,as it was a law of erasing memory so raizel manage to resist it.However the problem is others existance completely forget about the afterline lord's activities and past life even though they knew about him.It's like they know that there is someone exist as afterline lord and was killed by the heaven lord,also everyone believe that there was a war between the heaven and afterline lord's army,the heaven lord destroyed whole army and killed the afterline lord.Overally that easily means the true history is manipulated by someone else.It should be notable that there isn't seems to happen any war when raizel see the past of the afterline.The last time afterline lord left the afterline and never come back.It obvious that someone else suspect who was and is doing all these.Raizel didn't manage to find the person Behind the manipulation.That's maybe seems to be true but if anyone hear it suddenly.however,it's extremely complex if anyone try to find the truth.Raizel stop trying to find these issue after several tries and fails.He start to focus on to the hell lord and his actions.It might be seems to be interesting or i say dangerous for raizel that hell lord is too quite now.Being quite is preview of a huge calamity or we say danger.As of now,it's not a matter for raizel to handle regular hell lord's army but the problem is if the hell lord appear in the afterline,as for the hell lord,raizel have to be prepared.Hell lord isn't an ordinary lord as stated by raizel himself.His crime isn't only to seal raizel's soul but many more in raizel's first life.He always hostile toward his fellow lords.He did attack heaven,afterline and creation several times and cause huge mess.He punished many time by the writer but didn't changed,not a bit change come to his mind.At the final time,his punishment was to be weakened when get out of his hell territory,he was extremely strong so the writer unable to kill him by some other being.At last,his crazyness became a weapon for writer,the writer start to use him as punishing weapon.