The Heart of Magus, Unnecessary

The grand gates of the Grand Magus Academy stood towering at the edge of a vast square, like a portal to a mystical world. 

Constructed from countless massive blocks of bluestone, each stone was intricately etched with complex magical runes, shimmering with a faint glow.

Flanking the gate, two towering towers soared into the clouds, standing like guardian deities, silently protecting the academy. 

Above the gate, a massive magic array dominated the view, its deep blue hues punctuated by a large red gem at the center, seemingly brimming with endless magical power.

Erin, brimming with curiosity, remarked, 

"This magic array looks so majestic, manifesting itself like this."

Berkeley, his eyes filled with complexity and nostalgia, said, 

"As the strongest academy of the human race, this magic array has played a monumental role for the Grand Magus Academy."

Owen, now intrigued, asked, "Is there a story behind it?"

"The story goes back a long way. This magic array is the closest thing to god-level, safeguarding the Grand Magus Academy from any harm. Even the Kingdom of Laine relies on it to protect its capital city."

Owen nodded in understanding, realizing why the Grand Magus Academy held such a prestigious status.

Groups of young magi, clad in various magical robes and holding staves, faces alight with excitement and anticipation, eagerly entered through the gates.

"Those must be the new students of the Grand Magus Academy. Every year, the academy specially recruits students from various places. They don't need to go through the academy's assessments and can directly enter to study," Berkeley explained, pointing at the youthful magi coming and going.

Owen took out the Heart of Magus from his space ring. 

The Heart of Magus radiated with a brilliant light, as if resonating with the Grand Magus Academy from afar.

"Can this thing grant direct entry into the academy?" Owen asked, placing the Heart of Magus in front of Berkeley.

Berkeley's eyes widened in astonishment, and he immediately grabbed Owen's hand, exclaiming, "The Heart of Magus? Mr. Owen, is this thing for real?"

Owen couldn't help but find humor in the situation:

"So, you're saying there's a counterfeit Heart of Magus?"

Berkeley, slightly closing his agape mouth, looked at Owen with a mix of shock and awe:

"Well, not exactly... Crafting a Heart of Magus is extraordinarily difficult. If someone managed to make a fake, the Grand Magus Academy would probably invite that person to join as an arcanergy artifact craftsman."

After a pause, Berkeley continued with a sense of wonder, 

"It's hard to believe, Mr. Owen, that you possess such a divine object... There are probably no more than ten people in the entire Grand Magus Academy who have a Heart of Magus."

"The most remarkable part is, those individuals have spent years immersed in the Academy to earn such an honor. Mr. Owen, so young and already in possession of a Heart of Magus, your future is boundless!"

Owen, seemingly indifferent to the accolades, casually asked:

"Where should I enter from?"

Berkeley pointed towards a distinct building next to the Grand Magus Academy. 

It was a tower as well, but unlike the Academy's buildings, it lacked a sense of historical depth, as if it was newly constructed.

"That's the Testing Tower, specifically for talent assessment. But with the Heart of Magus, you don't need to undergo any tests. It's a symbol of your identity."

Knowing this, Owen suggested:

"I'll accompany Erin there. Will you join us?"

"Of course," replied Berkeley.

Together, they entered the Testing Tower, a man and two dragons.

Inside the Testing Tower, a long queue had already formed. 

Owen overheard numerous sobs among the crowd.

Berkeley chuckled softly, "Those are the cries of those who failed the test."

Yet, there were also many faces beaming with pride, as if they had already become students of the Grand Magus Academy.

Berkeley explained further, 

"The rules of the Testing Tower are quite straightforward. It's all about assessing the strength of mind power."

"There are ten levels, from 1 to 10. Anyone scoring above three is eligible for elementary studies at the Grand Magus Academy."

"Score above five, and you can pursue intermediate studies. Surpass seven, and you're taken as a personal student by a professor, becoming an assistant."

"Each year, over a million try their luck at the Grand Magus Academy's Testing Tower, but only about thirty percent surpass a mind power score of three."

"Those scoring above five are even rarer, and a mere 0.01% exceed seven. Mr. Owen... Does Miss Erin stand a chance?"

Berkeley, aware that Owen's true form was a dragon, assumed Erin must be a dragon as well. 

Dragons were commonly known for their weak mind power, often remaining in a slumberous state until maturity. 

Moreover, dragon magic was notoriously rough and inferior - common knowledge in the land of Novalia.

He couldn't help but worry for Erin.

This reminded Owen to use his abilities. Mentally, he thought, "Activate [Prophecy]."

Stepping out from "Owen's" body, he watched the black and white line slowly advance. 

Erin placed her hand on a light ball. 

The ball flickered faintly, the second flicker coming and going, and then, on the third flicker, it vanished in an instant.

The magus standing before the light ball furrowed their brow slightly, showing a look of regret as they shook their head.

At this point, Berkeley stepped forward, arguing fervently with a formidable presence. 

[Prophecy] ended there.

Owen returned to his own consciousness, lost in thought. 

Berkeley, mistaking Owen's silence for worry about Erin, spoke up, "Mr. Owen, there's no need for concern. Miss Erin seems vivacious and her mind power appears strong."

After a brief moment of contemplation, Owen looked at Erin and suddenly handed her the Heart of Magus, "Here, take this. You won't need to undergo the test now."

Berkeley's eyes widened in shock again. 

Weren't these two master and servant? 

Owen was actually giving the privilege of the Heart of Magus to his servant?

Most importantly, with the Heart of Magus given to Erin, what about Owen? 

Was he this generous to his servants?

Erin, slightly startled at first, quickly found her eyes welling up with tears: "Sa...Master...I..."

Her heart was in turmoil, leaving her at a loss for words.

"Don't cry, I have confidence in myself. Besides, I might feel a bit uneasy without you around in the academy." Owen placed his hand on Erin's face, gently wiping away her tears.

Erin, unable to hold back, burst into tears, "Master is too kind to me, I'll follow you for my entire life."

Berkeley's expression turned slightly sour, seeing such an opportunity to enter the Grand Magus Academy being casually given away by Owen. 

Is this the grandeur of a dragon? 

Maybe following Owen would lead to a prosperous path for himself too?

But the lingering question remained - what about Owen? He too was a dragon!


Finally, it was Owen's turn in the queue. 

The expressionless magus at the light ball instructed, "Place your hand on the light ball."

Owen complied, and suddenly, a surge of energy emanated from the light ball, causing it to burst into brilliant light.

The glow was so intense, like a bright incandescent bulb, illuminating the entire space. 

The people around were startled, even the children who had been crying looked towards Owen.

"Who is that? His mind power is so abundant!"

"My goodness, the light ball is completely filled! Has the Testing Tower ever witnessed such a scene?"

"Indeed. The Grand Magus Academy tests for quantity of mind power rather than quality to admit students."

"To fill the light ball like that, his mind power must be incredibly strong!"

"By the gods, am I seeing this right?"


The magus in front of the light ball was also stunned. 

Then, the light ball underwent rapid changes, flickering eight times in succession.

The once noisy crowd fell into a hushed silence. 

Eight consecutive flickers, without a single pause, each as bright as an incandescent lamp.

Owen never knew restraint when it came to showcasing his power. 

He wanted to let Eldrich know that he didn't need the Heart of Magus to receive the highest honors at the Grand Magus Academy.

The light ball flickered once more.

Nine times!

The crowd gasped, leaning back slightly in a gesture of respect.

Then, the light ball flickered yet again.

Ten times!!

Cries of astonishment erupted from the crowd, unable to contain their amazement.

"Ten times, the pinnacle of mind talent!"

"My goodness, is this some kind of trick?"

"Ten times, an unprecedented achievement in the Grand Magus Academy."

"Is this... a god?"

Berkeley, standing beside Owen, was petrified, unable to utter a word.

Ten flickers, a full-level mind power. 

The Grand Magus Academy had never witnessed a lvMAX mind power presence before.

The magus in front of the light ball was completely dumbfounded.

Owen did not stop, letting the light ball continue to absorb his mind power.