Chapter62-Oliver's Ambition

Finn glanced at Oliver, his expression turning sour:

"Brother, don't act rashly, this situation is already unsightly. If you attack now, father will surely be furious."

"You know he dislikes us fighting."

Oliver remained silent, prompting Chrisman to grow impatient:

"Oliver, act now! Though Owen's thunder magic was formidable, his arcanergy is depleted. This is the best moment to strike."

"If you hesitate, Owen will recover."

Owen, who was drinking an arcanergy restoration potion, paused slightly. He didn't want to draw too much attention, but his power didn't give him much choice.

He feigned calm, not engaging in conversation.

Arcanergy restoration was not a simple task.

His body's arcanergy was like a drained swimming pool, and the restoration potions were like pouring bottles of water into it. To fill it up would take at least fifteen minutes.