Chapter78-The Sailor Adrift at Sea

"Oh, do tell me more," Owen responded, not wanting to dampen the spirit, playing the role of a straight man in their banter.

"Ahem," Berkeley cleared his throat, "The hull of the ship is forged from a rare metal known as 'crimson gold copper.' This metal naturally possesses two properties. When incorporated into a weapon, even in small amounts, it can significantly enhance the weapon's toughness and strength. And this ship, it's largely composed of crimson gold copper."

"Therefore, the defense level of the Delicate Miniature Ship is extremely high. It fears no attack from a master-tier. Even a full-force strike from a grandmaster-tier would hardly make it flinch."

"That powerful?" Erin chimed in, playing along enthusiastically.

Berkeley, feeling quite pleased, continued with a bit of affectation, "That's not all there is."

"There's more?" Erin asked, her face brimming with curiosity.