Chapter111-Quincy's Demise, The Goddess of Loka Awakens

Feeling Stanbeck's death, Quincy was momentarily dazed.

Already enduring agonizingly slow seconds, Stanbeck's demise layered his suffering with a bout of terror.

Owen, catching the flicker of distraction in his opponent, seized the moment.

His eyes flashed red with resolve.

Making a decisive move, Owen surged his arcanergy, abandoning the pillar of solar fire and plunging straight into the tidal waves.

Covered in a golden radiance, the oppressive force of the surrounding realm suddenly seemed to have no effect on him.

"This is the moment," he thought.

Spinning his body like a whirling blade, he forcefully pierced through the waves.

Quincy's eyes widened in disbelief.

He hadn't expected Owen to be so resolute, daring to confront him with the full force of the Tide.

Quincy hastily withdrew his arcanergy, erecting an arcanergy shield around him.

But it was too late.