Chapter186-Bargain with the Demon

Afterwards, Hawkes dispatched his scouts to meticulously map the terrain under Ironblade City's jurisdiction, as the Lord of Ironblade City had not left behind a single map.

He then gathered the remaining supplies in the city and relocated the surviving citizens to the north side, forbidding them from taking any belongings.

They were provided with only the dry food and water collected from the city's supplies before being sent northward back to the empire.

Having completed these tasks, he returned to his tent to meditate and heal his wounds.

As night deepened, so did the questions in his mind.

Before the campaign, the high priest had told him and Melania not to worry about the city walls, assuring them that the wizard legion would take care of the southern outer wall.

And indeed, the wizard legion had succeeded.

However, upon inspecting the damage to the southern wall, Hawkes found it to be neatly severed, as if done in an instant.