Chapter227-The Challenge of the Magic Tower

Looking upwards from the depths where the high priest stood, the magic tower before them seemed to exude an unabashed, mocking sneer.

Among the eight preselected contenders, seven had not rushed to challenge the tower.

Skes, Moxis, and Jolna were in a mutual standoff, each waiting for the others to make the first move.

The unspoken agreement was clear: if you move, I'll watch and see your outcome before I make my move.

Laine, who was always cautious in his actions, decided to wait and observe for the time being.

Goden, on the other hand, had his mind far from the challenge at hand.

He had no intention of entering the magic tower.

If an opportunity presented itself, he would eliminate these three important figures from the noble families.

If not, he would find a way to entangle them further, allowing himself to return to the City of Two to oversee the bigger picture.

Owen, meanwhile, was content to watch the unfolding drama.