Chapter255-A Fractured Empire

The Second Prince was in a state of extreme anxiety as Norton's vast army was rapidly approaching the capital.

It was at this moment that National Preceptor Blois entered the palace and found the Second Prince pacing back and forth, overwhelmed by his anxieties.

Seeing Blois, the Second Prince clung to him like a lifeline, bombarding the national preceptor with questions.

"Uncle, what do we do now?" he pleaded.

"Norton's massive army is marching towards the capital, and all we have are the hundred thousand royal guards of the capital!"

National Preceptor Blois looked at his nephew with a mix of disdain and disappointment.

"Useless," he thought.

"Terrified by such a minor challenge, how will he manage to govern such a vast nation?"

The Second Prince noticed the contempt on his uncle's face but, despite the anger boiling within him, dared not lash out given the circumstances.