
Although the odd gaze from Anderson was rather uncomfortable, Owen still opened his arms to embrace Bloodbane, knowing well that Bloodbane yearned to experience a real hug.

"Owen, who is this?" Perini, usually reserved, couldn't help but ask, though her expression carried a hint of nervousness.

With a smile, Owen gently ruffled Bloodbane's head and introduced her to everyone, "This is my Sword Spirit, Bloodbane. It was thanks to her that I was able to make a breakthrough earlier."

"Hello, Sister Perini," Bloodbane said, peeking her little head out from Owen's embrace and greeting Perini with a cheerful smile.

Hearing Owen's explanation and seeing Bloodbane's youthful appearance, Perini felt a wave of relief and affection for the pure and youthful Bloodbane, smiling back, "Hello, little Bloodbane."

Bloodbane then greeted Anderson and the others, earning their fondness as well.