Daddy, Please Spare Me! [R-18]

The villa area in the eastern part was clearly more lively; Alex could see about six or seven villas with lights on.

Alex checked the map and noted that this area was the gathering place of another group mentioned by Ma Chenbin.

These were mostly pre-apocalypse influential and wealthy elites.

They had formed an alliance in the eastern villa area, rivaling Ma Chenbin's Prince Gang.

"Ah~~ Daddy! I know I was wrong, Daddy!! Please spare me this time! I won't dare to do it again!~~" A woman's wailing, filled with pleading and terror, faintly reached Alex from a nearby villa with lights on.

Two bodyguards with security shotguns were stationed at the entrance of the villa, and there were three modified armored vehicles parked in the yard.

Clearly, the villa's owner was someone of significance.

Interested, Alex stealthily climbed up to the lit third-floor balcony and peered inside.