We Shall Become Saviors!

Leaping down from the city wall, Alex took out the firearms and ammunition he had seized from his spatial bag. Myra and her team had already removed and brought back the special police gear. Alex estimated that the equipment was sufficient to arm about ten people.

Activating the Nightmare of the Betrayer with his mind, Alex looked around at his servants. Li Wan'ning, Myra, Shen Tingting, Tang Jingyan, Lin Mancha, and several other women who were among the first to be brought into City of Darkness by Alex had completely undergone servitude, with their loyalty now at 100%. The loyalty of those rescued later, like Si Ruqing, had also increased, with Si Ruqing at 96% and most of the others at 98% or 99%. The young girl and the twin sisters, who had been the quickest to undergo servitude, were now at 100%.