Daughter Coco

Alex suddenly felt an urge to curse. He really wanted to tie these three people to torture devices and give them a full treatment! Even the worst person outside had at least 60% loyalty, but these three were all failing!

"You have indeed made a contribution! So today, I've come to reward you specially!" Alex turned to Ma Chenbin with a smile.

"A reward?" Ma Chenbin's eyes brightened when he saw the beautiful young girl behind Alex. "Thank you! Thank you! But I don't need a woman right now, I just want to get out of here. This place is too weird, I feel uncomfortable all over! I... I can't take it anymore!"

Alex opened the iron door, pulled out the weakened Ma Chenbin, and tied him up with a rope. Then he said to Coco, "Coco, this is your food. Eat."

Coco swallowed hard, her eyes filled with hunger as she stared at Ma Chenbin's neck.