Super Warrior?

Having endured just five minutes of torture, he seemed to have completely lost his sanity. Alex checked Sun Weifei's loyalty, which had now reached an astonishing 85%. He suddenly felt as if he had discovered a new world! It turned out that enslavement did not necessarily require breaking through someone's psychological defenses and then gradually cultivating enslavement. Torture could also be used to enslave people.

This wasn't hard to understand; before the apocalypse, a certain professor used this method to enslave children. "This is more like the City of Darkness! Only 85%? Then let's continue!" Alex preferred this straightforward and brutal method over the slow process of enslavement.

Alex reactivated the Torn Iron Maiden. As the torture continued, Sun Weifei's loyalty further increased until it reached 90% and then stopped growing. No matter how much Alex tortured him, the loyalty remained at 90%.