The Mutant Beauties on the Brink of Extinction

Alex, accompanied by the cat-eared girl Lanshuo and Coco, steps out of the castle, feeling refreshed and invigorated. He now understands why many cat owners love the sensation of 'cat-sniffing'. 

Cat-eared girls are truly mesmerizing!

Alex finds himself becoming fond of the feeling of 'cat-sniffing'.

"Fox girl! Cow-headed girl! Snake girl! Centaur girl! Wait for me! I'm coming to save you!" Alex roars excitedly, driving the 'Strangler' armored vehicle, heading straight to the gathering place of the mutants under the guidance of the cat-eared girl Lanshuo.

The mutants' gathering place is located to the southwest of the City of Darkness, about half a city away. 

This distance is insurmountable for most people. 

But for Alex with his 'Strangler' armored vehicle, it's a piece of cake.

With full power, Alex charges through to the outskirts of the mutants' gathering place.