Attributes Skyrocket! The Extraordinary Body!

The presence of mutants lurking near the City of Darkness was not good news for Alex.

Although he had the Lord's Illusion for cover, if Lan Si Ruo could smell the enemy, it was likely they could also smell them.

Clearly, the enemy had tracked them by following Lan Si Ruo and the others' scent.

Regardless of the lurking mutant's intentions, Alex felt the urgent need to devise a plan to capture them.

However, seeing Lan Si Ruo gave Alex a new idea.

The unique scent of mutants naturally serves as bait to attract mutant zombies and mutants.

In the future, the simple tasks of luring and killing C-grade zombies and capturing mutants could be delegated to his mutant harem.

"Blue, I'm giving you and the others two tasks. First, find the lurking mutant as soon as possible.