The Lecherous Rescue Team Member

"Look! The helicopter is back."

While Alex was instructing Shen Tingting on how to water the tombs with plasma, a helicopter appeared again in the northeast direction.

This time, the helicopter didn't broadcast any message but headed straight towards the direction of the white-collar apartments.

"Crackle…" Alex's walkie-talkie crackled with static.

Then, an excited woman's voice came through: "Feng Ningning… crackle… Feng Ningning! Can you hear me?"

Alex waved to Feng Ningning, who was not far away, and handed her the walkie-talkie, saying,

"The helicopter just now seemed to be heading towards their location. Ask her about the situation there."

Feng Ningning nodded, took the walkie-talkie, and asked, "Yingying sister, it's me, I can hear you. How are things on your end?"

"The organization's rescue helicopter has come to save us! It's right outside our building now! We'll be rescued soon!"