The Luxurious Manor in the Mountains

"Help me! I'll do anything you say! I'm willing to be your slave! Please save me!" A weak voice of a woman came from near his feet.

Alex looked down at the girl crawling towards him, scoffed with disdain, and shot her in the head with his gun.

Such foolish and filthy simpletons, even offering themselves to Keke as a blood meal, were unworthy in Alex's eyes.

Better to end it quickly with a single shot.

Alex turned and tossed the bodies of these people into his spatial bag, then spoke into the walkie-talkie: "Ruqing, Keke, bring the Zombie Looter inside."

Now that everyone in the Fourth People's Hospital was dealt with, it was time to harvest the spoils.

The door of the electrotherapy room was already open, and the man in the white coat who had been guarding the Tyrant was nowhere to be found.

Alex didn't care much, figuring that such a person wouldn't survive long even if he did escape.