Thundering Cannons!

The dark and sturdy cannon, with perfect lines, possessed a dominant and wild body. Under the sunlight, the glossy black armor reflected a captivating brilliance. Driven by the tank's track rollers, it rolled menacingly toward the estate.

Not only the people on the estate's walls were stunned, but even the eight B-level mutated zombies were completely bewildered. The aura that had just attracted them disappeared abruptly, replaced by a powerful oppression.

The leading Tyrant zombie roared angrily, swinging its shining claws fiercely at the armored tank. "Zila~~~" a sound of metal clash echoed around. The dark armor remained unscathed, while the Tyrant zombie let out a painful howl.

"What kind of tank is this?!! It can withstand the attacks of a Tyrant zombie's claws without a scratch?!" The witch lady widened her eyes, watching the slowly approaching tank. "Are they friend or foe?"