Remember to Let Me Heal You Tomorrow

Slime is a fictional creature commonly found in electronic games and fantasy novels. Its popular portrayal is that of a jelly-like or semi-liquid, opaque or translucent monster that can change shape, split, or merge. Even in the world of sword and magic adventure themes, it stands out as a particularly unique and attention-grabbing existence.

A slime can transform into any form in water, and lying in the embrace of a slime doesn't feel like lying in water. Instead, it's more like lying in soft flesh or jelly. Moreover, when a slime wraps around a person, it can wriggle and soothe.

So, every part of a slime is soft, and every part is penetrable. That's what a slime is.

The ability of the water witch Miaomiao is similar to that of a slime. The sensation of being "treated" by Miaomiao makes Alex feel like he's immersed in a cloud, ascending directly into immortality.

From head to toe, every part feels comfortable, and every part is unobstructed.