Stirred Heart

Just one swift stroke.

Three heads rolled out with a gurgling sound.

Blood sprayed wildly, and the three corpses resembled fountains in a park, spraying blood all over the restaurant. Some survivors nearby were even drenched in blood on their heads and faces.

After a moment of stunned silence, the entire restaurant erupted in screams.

"Ah!!! Murder!!!"

"He's mad!! This guy is crazy!!"

"Devil!! This person is a devil!!"

"Help!!! Murder!!!"

People in the restaurant scattered like headless flies, running around in panic, each scared witless. Since entering the apocalypse, these people had lived an easy life in a comfortable environment. Where had they ever seen such a situation?

Killing without hesitation!

No hesitation at all.

Cruel and bloody methods.

Almost comparable to a psychopathic killer!!