You must be doing well here, right?

As the Executioner armored tank entered the scope of the City of Darkness, a huge city suddenly appeared before the two.

This was a city built step by step by Alex, and Alex had no feelings anymore.

But for outsiders, the visual impact, the shocking feeling.

It could even make people suffocate!

Especially the tremendous pressure after entering the city for the first time made Alex's brother and sister-in-law shiver uncontrollably.

"Such high walls, and reinforced concrete... Alex... how did you find such a good place..." Xiao Mu looked at the city walls in front of him, and the slowly opening city gate, thinking about the place where he originally stayed, with only a two-meter-high iron fence, he couldn't help but start to complain.

But before he could finish speaking, the city walls appeared again in front of him, directly scaring him speechless!