Thought-Provoking Choices

If Alex were in charge instead of Ke, he would undoubtedly choose to immediately initiate chaos, using forceful means to eliminate dissenters. Otherwise, allowing the current situation to persist would inevitably lead to Guang Beijia and her followers facing a devastating defeat. Once that happened, any attempts to turn the tide would become impossible.

However, after a prolonged silence, neither Ke nor Guang Beijia showed the resolve for such decisive action. If they had possessed the courage for such a move, the situation wouldn't have gradually developed to its current state, turning a promising hand into a complete disaster.

A tense and silent standoff ensued between the two factions.

At that moment, Alex unexpectedly stood up and spoke, "As a newcomer, it's understandable that you might be wary of us. To prove our sincerity, I am willing to join the Material Collection Team responsible for gathering supplies, as mentioned by Lü Qi earlier."