What's Going On?

Lü Bao's heart started to tighten.

His confident and triumphant expression turned complex.

"What's going on? What is this Alex doing?! Why haven't they brought the Third Squad over yet?! We should have arrived long ago for this short distance!"

"Damn it! What's happening? Could Peng Le have found out?!"

"Damn it! Why haven't they come yet! What the hell is Alex doing? He's really useless!"

While Lü Bao was cursing and anxious, Alex and Peng Le had already infiltrated the small town. Not only that, the large team of mutated warriors from the City of Darkness had also appeared in the town.

With muffled groans, one by one, Lü Bao's ambush team members were knocked unconscious, then carried out and thrown onto the prisoner transport vehicles.

Almost forty powerful mutated individuals roamed through the small town, continuously harvesting the members of the Second Squad ambushed there.

In the time it took for Lü Bao to complain.