Awkward Wedding

"Invitation?" Alex looked at the invitation handed by Shen Han, curious, and asked, "Is it for the wedding of that horsehair worm, Ping Qiyun?"

"Yes, master. My father sent someone to inform us that Guangbei Jia and Gu have become wary of us. They want to secretly unite with Lv Weijiang to suppress us. From what I see, Lv Weijiang and Ping Deyuan have probably sensed something amiss too. Ping Qiyun is so eager to marry Zhang Jingwu; it's likely for a quick and complete allegiance from him," Shen Han said with a disdainful smile. "However, tomorrow is Ping Qiyun and Zhang Jingwu's wedding day. If the master invites Ping Qiyun to accompany you tonight, I wonder if this woman will come."

Alex grinned mischievously, self-satisfied. "Last time, I got her all excited. This time, how could she bear to refuse me? Hahaha!"

As Alex finished speaking, a knock on the door echoed from outside.

"Come in!" Alex's lips curled up in a faint smile.