Kill! Kill! Kill!!

"Elite Guards! Protect me and break out!" Gu drew his war knife from his waist and roared at the Elite Guards standing guard outside the door.

He wasn't a fool, he sensed the taste of conspiracy in this situation. Before attending the parliamentary meeting, he had left himself a way out.

Outside the door were his loyal members of the Elite Guards! As long as they were there, combined with his formidable combat strength, those in the command center wouldn't be able to stop him!

Furthermore, with the heavy weapons squad from the city defense unit stationed outside the command center, who in this base could oppose him?!!

Once he returned to the camp of the city defense unit, he would not hesitate to order a massacre! He might even ignite the ammunition depot, taking these despicable villains down with him!!!

However, as Gu's furious roar echoed, the Elite Guards outside the door remained still, showing no intention of moving!!