I Am a Man of My Word

"Are you all enjoying the show? Having a good time? Looking forward to what happens next?" Alex held a whip, smiling as he tapped his palms together.

Seeing these once arrogant individuals now looking ashamed and furious one by one, Alex felt waves of pleasure. They used to be high and mighty figures, but now they resembled nothing more than dogs under his feet. As their people were being beaten and bullied by him, they dared not move and could only watch with wide eyes.

The tears at the corners of their eyes, the blood in their fists, and the suppressed anger and shame in their eyes gave Alex an immense sense of conquest.

However, Alex didn't want these people to witness what was about to happen next.

"Sorry, but I don't want you to see what happens next. Go out, turn left, lean against the window, and listen carefully. Imagine the scene yourselves! Hahaha!" Alex laughed heartily, instructing his subordinates to escort these people out.