Magic Capital! The Former Sleepless City!

However, the commands of the three squad leaders were completely ignored. At this critical moment, these three self-proclaimed heroes only had one thing on their minds—to escape back to the refuge. In their view, the refuge had deep trenches and high walls, with over two thousand soldiers. It could definitely withstand the onslaught of the zombie tide. Running to other places, on the other hand, would lead to a dead end once their fuel and ammunition ran out.

Faced with life and death, most people instinctively seek personal gain and avoid harm. It's human nature! Ke Wenhua realized that if they returned to the refuge in such a state, and the massive zombie tide followed, the people inside would undoubtedly face certain death. Even if they could hold out, they would be surrounded by the zombie tide until they starved to death. Trying to break out would be impossible!