Precision Slaughter!

These women had been thoroughly numb from torture.

Alive or dead, there was no difference anymore.

"Let's give you a quick and easy end."

Alex took out the Blade of Sin from the spatial envelope without hesitation, swiftly ending the lives of these insignificant women in the room. Then, he gathered their bodies into the spatial envelope.

These women showed no resistance at all, instead, their faces were filled with a relieved smile.

After completing everything, Alex activated teleportation once again, disappearing from the room.

Soon, the warriors responsible for guarding noticed the disappearance of the women.

The alarm sounded urgently, and everyone in the aquarium gathered in the whale pavilion.

The middle-aged man with a big belly, whom Alex had seen before, appeared in the room where the women were detained, surrounded by several other team leaders. His face was filled with anger.