From Arrogance to Wagging for Mercy

He Juan and the other women were immediately startled, their faces turning pale. However, quickly regaining her composure, the cunning He Juan put on a charming smile and said, "Oh, Captain, why are you in such a hurry? We're all hungry now. Give us something to eat, and we'll have the energy! Besides, being so rough won't win the sincere hearts of us women. What's the point?"

Other women echoed in agreement:

"Captain, even though it's the apocalypse, you should respect us a bit!"

"How can you be so rude? Don't you understand cherishing and respecting women?"

"At the very least, you should seek our consent, right?"

"Yeah, yeah! How can you be so overbearing? You should give us some benefits!"

"Bullying women, what kind of skill is that? Captain, you're supposed to be a real man, but treating women like this, are you still considered one?"