Gender Imbalance Causes Trouble

After taking a quick look at the situation on the island, Alex began to formulate some plans. Dealing with these people single-handedly was extremely challenging. Even facing just these mutant warriors, Alex wasn't confident in defeating them all alone. Moreover, they possessed a destroyer!

The immense firepower on the destroyer could instantly turn Alex into ashes at a designated spot. Alex had considered the option of secretly building the City of Darkness on the island and then using the City of Darkness's Archdemon's folded space to mobilize his entire army to the island. Additionally, he could construct numerous Annihilator artillery units.

However, there was a time gap to consider. Given the powerful firepower of the destroyer, if Alex faced an attack just as the City of Darkness was completed, it might be obliterated instantly. Therefore, Alex needed the right timing—the moment the destroyer left!