Should Men Die for Women?

Upon hearing Gao Yuanyuan's words, both Wu Qilong and Liu Shishi were completely dumbfounded! It wasn't just these two; everyone around was also utterly bewildered. Even Alex, despite his composure, felt a bit confused.

The logic behind her statement wasn't fundamentally flawed, but the unabashed and self-righteous manner in which she put it forward made it hard to accept. It was akin to voluntarily offering your seat to an elderly person on a bus, which is considered a sign of good manners. However, if an elderly person points at you, insults you, and forces you to give up your seat, with others joining in or even resorting to physical violence, it becomes uncomfortable.

It was like... moral coercion!

Yes, this formula was undoubtedly a standard recipe for moral coercion! Alex suddenly sensed this flavor, and it unmistakably reeked of moral coercion, especially with the added seasoning of female chauvinism.