Let's Take a Chance

Listening to Dilraba's complete plan, a trace of satisfaction curved Lin Zhiling's lips, and her expression turned cold. She had been looking for an opportunity to please Alex, and now, the opportunity had arrived.

She had long noticed that Alex seemed to be interested in Dilraba. Now, Dilraba wanted to escape and had a seemingly feasible plan. If Lin Zhiling could inform Alex of the plan in advance, she would naturally gain Alex's appreciation and favor!

Most importantly, it would show loyalty!

As for the idea of Yinguang Island becoming a refuge, it was entirely Lin Zhiling's fabrication. She had no intention of taking such a risk now!

She knew very well that Dilraba's plan, although seeming to have a great chance of success, also carried significant risks. Moreover, was Yinguang Island really a sanctuary?