Alex, the Demon King Ruling the World

Alex grinned maliciously, rewarding the female vampire who reported to him. Then, he ordered the agonizing Avril at his side, "The old guy is here; go deal with him and bring him to the office."

"Yes!" Avril, with a bewildered expression, cast a glance at Alex and then gritted her teeth as she quickly walked out.

In the bedroom, Alex waited quietly. Soon, the vampire patriarch, leaning on a cane and guarded by two vampire warriors, walked into the office from outside.

Through the bedroom peephole, Alex could clearly see the scene outside.

"Avril, my child, what's wrong with you? You seem a bit uncomfortable. Have you been too tired these days?" The old man, with white hair, a hunched figure, and a face full of wrinkles, expressed concern to Avril.

It was evident that the vampire patriarch cherished his blood relative.

However, Avril, after a year of inner turmoil and sorrow, couldn't help but let out a soft moan.