Radioactive Material

"Retreat quickly, or we'll all end up dead at the hands of this woman," another vampire warrior urgently spoke up.

After saying this, the two vampire warriors immediately turned and fled.

"Don't run, leave your lives behind," Keke growled lowly, then chased after them.

Keke had just taken a step when a wave of dizziness suddenly struck her.


Keke's form wavered, almost falling to the ground, while Avril, who was watching the battle, frowned deeply.

It seemed that the situation needed to be reported to Alex as soon as possible; if it continued like this, probably all the warriors in the city would be slaughtered.

By the time Alex received the news, he was already on his way back with a radioactive source.

"It looks like Keke is about to mutate again," Alex muttered to himself, and immediately headed back towards the City of Darkness.


In the City of Darkness.

"Help! Help!"